
Unit 6 When was it invented? Section B (3a~Self Check) 课件(共31张PPT) 人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:40次 大小:23594988Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 When was it invented Section B (3a~Self Check) Learning goals 语言能力:正确使用有关词汇和被动语态结构,介绍发明物品的背景和用 途。 文化意识:通过讨论,小组合作积极探究,发散思维,大胆想象,保持对 科学发明探索的热爱。 思维品质:通过多角度,多层次的思维发散,提升写作的整体性,逻辑性 和结构性。 学习能力:通过头脑风暴,收集写作素材;能够利用思维导图,提纲挈领 塑造作文框架来进行英语写作,提升写作能力。 What inventions have we learned about in this unit What inventions have been mentioned in this unit computer car zipper TV telephone basketball tea potato chips How was it invented What are the influences of it One day, … It was brought to… The popularity of it … Many people like it… Let’s talk! What inventions have been mentioned in this unit computer car zipper TV telephone basketball tea potato chips Why When Who Shen Nong around 5,000 years ago by accident Can you write a short passages by answering these questions When was it invented Who was it invented by What are they used for How was it invented What are the influences of it Where can we see it Pre-writing When Who Process Where 大约5000年前,茶最先被喝。 Tea was first drunk about 5000 years ago. 据说,茶是被神农发明的。 It is said that tea was invented by She Nong. 如今茶在全世界被人们喜爱。 Today tea is loved all over the world. First, Shen Nong was _____(boil) drinking water. Then, some _____(leaf) _____(fall) into the water and _____(remain) there _____ some time. Next, it _____ (produce) a nice smell. At last, Shen Nong decided _____(taste) the water and found it delicious. boiling leaves fell remained for produced to taste How Tea Was Invented Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. I would like to introduce how it was invented. It is said that tea was invented by Shen Nong. One day, Shen Nong was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Then, Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time. It produced a pleasant smell. At last, Shen Nong decided to taste the water and he found it delicious. In short, tea was invented by accident. Nowadays, tea is seen as a symbol of Chinese traditional culture and is loved all over the world. Problem: _____. New invention: _____. What it is used for: _____. can’t quickly taking notes in class a special pen taking notes quickly Can you think about more details about this pen What is it made of What special thing does it have What does it look like How can it help you What difficulties have they got in their lives can’t manage her time wisely can’t take notes quickly always forget about things Can you invent something to help them Problem: quickly taking notes in class New invention: a special pen What it is used for: 3a Think of something that you do not like to do. Then think of an invention that could help you. Make notes. taking notes quickly 2. Problem: _____ New invention: _____ What it is used for: _____ 3. Problem: _____ ... ...

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