ID: 20155661

新概念英语第一册Lesson35-36 讲义

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:18次 大小:28247B 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson35 Our village. 一、课前回顾 1)根据汉语意思写出单词 日子_____ 天空_____ 太阳_____ 照耀_____ 和...一起_____ 桥_____ 家庭_____ 走路_____ 跨越_____ 船_____ 河_____ 轮船_____ 飞机_____ 飞_____ 睡觉_____ 刮脸_____ 哭喊_____ 洗_____ 等_____ 跳_____ 英汉互译 ①Timmy正在看书。_____ ②他们正在做什么?_____ ③Mr. Jones is with his family._____ ④Mr. Jones and his wife are looking at them._____ ⑤张华正在马路上散步。 ⑥There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining._____ ⑦The ship is going under the bridge._____ ⑧天空中有几只鸟。_____ ⑨公园里有些人正在放风筝。_____ ⑩The ship is going under the bridge._____ 二、重要单词及讲解 photograph n. 照片 village n. 村庄 valley n. 山谷 between prep. 在……之间 hill n. 小山 another det. 另一个 wife n. 妻子 along prep. 沿着 bank n. 河岸 water n. 水 swim v. 游泳 building n. 大楼,建筑物 park n. 公园 into prep.进入 单词讲解 1)photograph n. 照片(简写:photo) I want to take a photo. picture 照片(美) take a photograph/ picture of sb. 给某人拍照 2)hill n. 小山 hill:不高的小山丘 mount:名山,山的专有名词 mountain:大型的,高山 range:山区,山脉,连绵起伏的群山 3)water n. 水(不可数名词) waters 水域 【补充】water color 水彩 water bottle 水瓶 water rate 水费 例句:Some plants need lots of water. 一些植物需要大量的水。 4)swim v. 游泳 go swimming 去游泳 【补充】swimmer游泳者 swimming pool游泳 5)park n. 公园 v. 停车 No parking. 不许停车 6)between prep.在……两者之间 例如:I sit between Tom and Mary.我坐在 Tom 与 Mary 之间。 7)along prep.沿着 例句:We walk along the new road.我们沿着新路散步。 8)into prep.进入 【补充】be into对……很有兴趣;极喜欢 walk into the room走进房间 go into the town进城 三、课文原文及讲解 This is a photograph of our village. Our village is in a valley. It is between two hills. The village is on a river. Here is another photograph of the village. My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river. We are on the left. There is a boy in the water. He is swimming across the river. Here is another photograph. This is the school building. It is beside a park. The park is on the right. Some children are coming out of the building. Some of them are going into the park. 课文讲解 1)This is a photograph of our village.这是我们村庄的一张照片。 a photograph of our village 是一个名词所有格词组,of 介词是用来构成所有格的。 例如:the legs of the chair 椅子的腿 ;the banks of the river 河的两岸 2)Our village is in a valley. 我们的村庄坐落在一个山谷之中。 3)It is between two hills. 它位于两座小山之间。 4)The village is on a river. 它靠近一条小河。 5)Here is another photograph of the village. 这是我们村庄的另一张照片。 another 另一个,表示不确定范围中的另一个。 例如:Give me another apple.再给我一个苹果。 6)My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.我和妻子正沿河岸走着。 7)We are on the left. 我们在河的左侧。 8)There is a boy in the water. 河里面有个男孩。 9)He is swimming across the river. 他正在横渡小河。 10)Here is another photograph. 这是另一张照片。 11)There is ... ...

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