
2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)专题15 语法填空(讲练)(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:86次 大小:646460Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    专题15 语法填空 语法填空是中考英语试卷最难题目之一,它的分值是10-15分,分为10个小题。短文填空一般在一篇200~250字左右的故事性短文中挖出10个空,要求学生通读短文,并根据上下文来补全短文,每空只能填一个单词。主要考九大词类(名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、数词、介词、连词、冠词)。 该题旨在测试考生的英语阅读理解能力和简单的书面表达能力,看其是否能够运用所学过的英语知识进行简单的书面交流,从而达到既考查学生的语言基础知识,又考查他们的观察能力、联想能力以及对语言的综合运用能力。为了答好短文填空题目,我们要打好基础关。这个基础关既包括1600个单词,300多个短语以及一部分常用句型和习惯用语的意思和用法,也包括各种词的词形变化。 中考英语语法填空,不论是单句填空还是短文填空,主要有两种形式的空:用所给词(v、n、pron、adj、adv)的正确形式填空;无提示词填空(prep、conj、art)。说白了,中考就考四道题: 动词变形题:时态,语态,非谓语动词 名词或代词变形题:词性转换 (形容词、副词、动词,同一词根),名词的单复数、所有格、可数与不可数 人称代词、不定代词、反身代词,形容词性物主代词后; 名词性物主代词 形容词或副词变形题:词性转换(变反义词或副词),较级或最高级的几种用法 无提示词填空题:冠词,介词,连词 (2023·浙江杭州) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。 Traffic School Have you ever driven through a red traffic light Have you ever parked in the wrong place or driven ____1____ (fast) than the speed limit (限制) The answers are probably “yes”. Every year ____2____ (thousand) of drivers become “offenders”-they break the rules of the road. But ___3____ are the punishments for this offence In most countries drivers have to pay a fine (罚款), ____4____ (usual) $100—$300. But in the USA, Australia and some ____5___ (Europe) countries offenders also get points on their driving license. After they get ___6___ certain number of points, they can’t drive. Life is difficult when you can’t drive. So far some states in the USA ____7___ (introduce) a new way to avoid this-Traffic School. Offenders have a choice: They can get points on their license ___8____ they can do a course at Traffic School. Traffic Schools run “driver improvement courses”. They cost about $100 and take from four ____9____ twelve hours. Most people do the course in a classroom, but in some states drivers can do the course online. Drivers learn the rules of the road and they learn how ___10____ (be) better drivers. They don’t have to take a driving test, but at the end of the course they have to pass a written examination. 【答案】1. faster 2. thousands 3. what 4. usually 5 European 6. a 7. have introduced 8. if 9. to 10. to be 【解析】本文主要介绍了人们在不同国家违反交通规则的处理方法。 1.句意:你是否曾把车停错地方或超速驾驶?根据“than”可知空处需用比较级。故填faster。 2.句意:每年都有成千上万的司机成为“违规者”———他们违反交通规则。空前无具体数字,需用thousands of“数以千计的”表示泛指。故填thousands。 3.句意:但是这种罪行的惩罚是什么呢?根据“are the punishments for this offence ”可知是询问处罚是什么。what表示“什么”。故填what。 4. ... ...

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