
Unit 3 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section B 2a~2e 课件 (共27张PPT)2023-2024学年鲁教版英语八年级上

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:94次 大小:926888Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section 第 4 课 时 (2a—2e) ………………………………… B Unit 3 What were you doing when the rainstorm came 重点单词及短语:passage, pupil, completely, shocked, silence, recently, terrorist, date, tower, truth, in silence, take down, at first 1 能用过去进行时表达自己过去正在做的事情。 2 Learning Goals 2 Warming-up Do you still remember any big events in your life What were you doing then Share with us. Dr. Martin Luther King Do you know this man What do you know about him Dr Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 –1968) was one of the key leaders of the American civil rights movement. He became a civil rights activist early in his career. He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956) and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (1957). His efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Do you know the building in the picture What happened to the building The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were more than just office build-ings. They are symbols of America, just as the Eiffel Tower & Big Ben represent their countries. The World Trade Center was a com-bination of seven different complexes (综合体) located in the Financial Dis-trict of Manhattan. It was built in 1973. Look at the pictures and title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about The passages is about events that happened in the past. 2a The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text. Reading the Title and First Sentences Reading strategy Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. What are the two events in the passage 2. When did they happen Dr. Martin Luther King was killed; the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. On April 4, 1968; On September 11, 2001. 2b Event about Dr. Martin Luther King Event about the World Trade Center Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea. Martin Luther King was killed when _____ What Allen’s family were doing They were _____. Robert’s parents were _____.They didn’t talk and finished the rest of dinner _____. The World Trade Center was taken down when _____ What Kate was doing She remembers_____ in the office. At first, she didn’t believe her friend. She was so _____ that she could hardly think clearly after that. April 4, 1968 eating dinner shocked in silence September 11, 2001 working scared 根据课文内容完成表格。 Read the passage again. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F), or is the information not given (NG) ___ 1. Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr. King. ___ 2. Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed. F F ___ 3. Robert’s parents were shocked to hear the news. ___ 4. Kate Smith was watching a movi ... ...

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