

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:26次 大小:20103Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年河南中考英语写作热点话题 父母是我们生活中最亲密、最重要的人,如何处理与父母的关系至关重要。你校英语俱乐部将以How to have a good relationship with parents”为主题举办一次英语演讲比赛。请你根据下面的要点提示写一篇演讲稿参赛。要点提示:1.与父母谈心;2.陪伴父母:3.表达对父母的爱和关心;4.其他(至少补充一条)。 范文一 Nowadays, the importance of having a good relationship between us and our parents is obvious. So now I want to share the ways to have a good relationship with parents.First, communicating often with our parents can increase your understanding. And it will also give you support. Second, spend time accompanying your parents. Third, you need to let your parents know that you love them. Because love needs a response. Finally, create a happy atmosphere and I believe everything will become better. 范文二:进一步优化润色成拔高款作文,蓝色是好词好句好素材,尖子生可以选用 Nowadays, everyone realizes the significance of maintaining a strong bond with our parents. Therefore, I'd like to offer some tips on how to foster healthier relationships with them. Firstly, regular communication with our folks can deeply enhance mutual understanding, also providing us with their unwavering support. Secondly, quality time spent together, sharing activities and experiences, strengthens the emotional ties. Thirdly, expressing our affection to them is crucial, as love thrives on reciprocation. In conclusion, by fostering a warm and loving environment, I firmly believe that our relationships with our parents will flourish. 现在,每个人都意识到与父母保持良好关系的重要性。因此,我想提供一些建议,以帮助大家与父母建立更健康的关系。 首先,与父母定期沟通可以大大增进彼此的理解,同时也能让我们获得他们坚定不移的支持。其次,共度美好时光,分享活动和经历,能够加强情感纽带。第三,向他们表达我们的爱至关重要,因为爱需要相互的回应。 总之,通过营造温馨有爱的环境,我坚信我们与父母的关系会越来越好。 范文一与范文二:优化改写理由供参考 1.“everyone realizes the significance of maintaining a strong bond”,使得句子更加地道,同时“bond”一词更贴近人际关系中的“纽带”意味。 2.“Therefore, I'd like to offer some tips”,用“tips”替代“ways”,更符合日常口语表达,也更亲切。 3.“regular communication with our folks can deeply enhance mutual understanding”,“folks”是更口语化、更亲切的“parents”替代词,同时增加了“mutual”来强调双向理解。 4.“And it will also give you support”改为“also providing us with their unwavering support”,用“unwavering support”来更生动地描述父母支持的坚定性。 5.“quality time spent together, sharing activities and experiences”,增加了“sharing activities and experiences”来具体描述共度时光的内容,使建议更具体、更实用。 6.“expressing our affection to them is crucial”,用“expressing our affection”替代了直接的“I love you”,表述更含蓄、更地道。 7.“as love thrives on reciprocation”,“thrives on reciprocation”更生动地表达了爱的相互性。 8.“by fostering a warm and loving environment, I firmly believe that our relationships with our parents will flourish” ... ...

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