

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:85次 大小:35984Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024届高三英语三轮复习读后续写语料分类背诵(二) 2024.5 困难 做某事超出了某人能力it was beyond one’s ability to do 重重压在...上 weigh heavily on 减缓了它的前进slow his progress 冻麻了grow(grew) numb with cold 尽管种种困难despite all the difficulties 坚持寻找persist in one’s searching 打着寒战shiver from the cold 救动物 实施拯救carry out the rescue 召集某人加入她 gather the villagers to join her 治疗伤口treat the injuries 轻轻地抚摸gently stroke it 把...从...放出来发free ... from ... 返回made one’s way back (to...) 动物的动作 海豚的呜咽声the whimper of the dolphin 仿佛知道它的命运将由他们摆布as if it knew its fate was at their mercy 用鼻尖触碰touched ... with the tip of its nose 发出快乐的声音make happy sounds 说最后的感谢 utter a final thank you 开心地吠叫bark joyfully 绕着...转圈 circle around 高兴地摇着尾巴tail wagging joyfully 轻轻地舔 gently lick 发出了一连串的叫声let out a series of whistles 救人 坚持了一会儿,直到...hold on for a few moments until... 我所有的注意力都集中在...with all my attention focused on ... 前倾lean forward 把所有的力量都灌输到我的胳膊和拳头instill all my strength into my arms and fists 把...从无意识的状态中唤醒awaken sb from her unconscious state 尽管踉踉跄跄despite the stumbling 某人恢复了知觉come to oneself 查看有没有伤 check him over for any injuries 群众 感到震惊地喘了口气,血液都凝固了 gasp in shock, blood freezing 人群中爆发出雷鸣般的掌声Thunderous applause erupted from the crowd 他们的心因目睹如此非凡的救援而充满了喜悦和感激their hearts overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for witnessing such a remarkable rescue 狂热地鼓掌和欢呼applauded and cheered me on in craze 人群散开the crowd scattering 共同松了一口气let out collective sighs of relief 目睹了这一温暖人心的时刻witness this heartwarming moment 时间衔接,动作衔接 不久之后Soon afterwards 从那天起from that day on 某人还没来得及说话before she could utter a word 仪式结束后 after the ceremony 几秒钟后 seconds later 接下来是... What came next was that... 不久之后,某人就... It was not long before sb... 他们走进房间的那一刻The moment they stepped inside 动作 走近draw(drew) closer 由某人领路with sb leading the way 看了一眼...take a glance at ... 往...上涂药apply some medicine to... 在某人的耐心指导下under the patient guidance of sb 齐声喊道exclaim in chorus 紧紧地拥抱着 hug ...tightly 高兴得说不出话来a sense of delight deprive sb of all power of utterance 喜悦的泪水从眼里涌出 tears of joy wellup in one’s eyes 把剩菜扔进垃圾桶 threw the leftovers into the dust bin 把盘子和杯子放进洗碗池 put the plates and cups in the sink, 某物掉了出来 dropped out 拿起某物 picked it up 渴望某物 long for 睁大眼睛with their eyes rounded 疑惑地看着... look at each other questioningly (车)开进了院子pull into 走上前去迎接父亲walk up to greet his father 无视母亲的存在ignore his mother’s existence. 把某人用力推出了...pushed sb hard out of ... 躲开某人期待的拥抱dodge sb’s expectant hug 心碎地离开leave with a broken heart 克制自己的情绪 contain himself 小声说whisper 好像要说些什么as if to ... ...

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