

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:86次 大小:841288Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2023学年第二学期学业质量发展阶段性训练 九年级英语试卷 (2024年越秀区一模) 本试卷共14页,四大题,满分90分。考试用时100分钟。 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) When was the last time you left home without your mobile phone Can you imagine ____1____ living a month, or even a year without checking your mobile phone from time to time As a busy modern person with lots of social connections, plans and responsibilities, I just cannot afford not to be in touch with the rest of the world. Staying connected to ____2____ people is a big part of my life. However, ____3____ it can be distracting (分心的). One day I discovered I was ____4____ tired out. I tried turning notifications (通知) off. But the fear of missing out something important made me check the phone ____5____ often than before. So, I simply stopped ____6____ my phone. Well, to tell the truth, ____7____ was not simple at all. For the first few days, I had a big fear that all of my friends would soon forget about me. When I had a free moment, I had no idea what to do, and the ____8____ mixed with boredom kept distracting me. However, after three weeks without a mobile phone, I started noticing changes—changes which I liked, and which drove me to not just continue the experiment, ____9____ in fact to reorganize some of my habits. I noticed that I became much more focused. Before, while doing something, I would often find myself wondering ____10____ was going on online. After a month of staying away from my mobile phone, I found that the urge (冲动) was already not that strong and that my ability ____11____ improved. I discovered that the world is ____12____ beautiful place. Before, I would look at it ____13____ my camera mostly: take a photo, post it, get some likes. Now, I saw beautiful people walking around and I sensed the seasons change. I could understand the actual beauty of the world ____14____ I did not need anyone else to prove through likes or shares. As 100 days ____15____, I can say that the experiment was worth it. I am planning to stay away from my phone for as long as possible. 1. A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself 2. A. other B. the others C. others D. another 3. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times 4. A. complete B. completed C. completing D. completely 5. A. much B. many C. more D. most 6. A. to use B. using C. used D. useless 7. A. it B. there C. these D. one 8. A. worrying B. worriedly C. worried D. worries 9. A. and B. but C. or D. so 10. A. where B. which C. what D. when 11. A. to focus B. focusing C. focused D. focus 12. A. / B. the C. an D. a 13. A. in B. on C. through D. across 14. A. which B. who C. how D. why 15. A. passed B. have passed C. passing D. are passing 【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B 【解析】 【导语】本文主要讲述了作者100天不使用手机的经历,一开始不使用手机会让人很焦虑,但是三周后发生了很多可喜的变化,作者注意力更集中,可以更好地发现这个世界的美。 【1题详解】 句意:你能想象自己 ... ...

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