
2024届高三英语二轮复习 读后续写情感描写 课件-(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:40次 大小:77921Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 读后续写情感描写 1.表达人物的“喜乐” 听到他们的话,他高兴得几乎跳了起来,热泪盈眶。 Hearing what they said , he was so delighted that he almost jumped up , with tears filling his eyes. 大家开始鼓掌时,玛丽冲他们羞涩地微笑了一下。 When everyone started/began to clap their hands, Mary gave them a shy smile. 2.表达人物的“激动、兴奋” 欣赏着美景,妈妈兴奋得难以自抑。 Enjoying the beautiful view, Mom could hardly contain her excitement. 看到圣诞树,孩子们很激动。 The children were excited at the sight of the Christmas tree. 3. 表达人物的“惊恐” 惊恐之下,我觉得我两腿发抖,手心冒汗。 Extremely frightened, I felt my legs were trembling and my palms were sweating. 当看到那只狼时,我吓呆了,不敢动弹。 At the sight of the wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch. 4. 表达人物的“感激”与“感动” 了解事情的经过后他的母亲流下喜悦和感激的泪水。 Knowing what had happened, his mother shed tears of joy and gratitude. 我深为感动,再次向他表示感谢。 Deeply moved by his words, I thanked him again. 5.表达人物的“紧张” 我心脏狂跳,双腿发抖,我深吸一口气,心里七上八下。 My heart beat wildly and my legs trembled. With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply. 莉莉对考试感到紧张,以至于她睡不着觉。 Lily was so nervous about her exam that she couldn’t fall asleep. 6.表达人物的“宽慰”和“温暖” 爱丽丝终于上车了,一种温暖和解脱交织的感觉涌上心头。 Alice finally got in the car, and a mixture of warmth and relief flooded over her. 她在寒冷的天气里感到了温暖,相信处处都有善良。 She felt warmth in the cold day and believed there was kindness in every corner. 7. 表达人物的“尴尬”和“羞愧” 她从椅子上站起来,犹豫了一会,在想如何掩饰内心尴尬。 She rose from her chair , and hesitated for a moment, wondering how to hide her inner embarrassment. 他羞愧得用手把脸蒙住。 He was so ashamed that he hid his face in his hands. 8.表达人物的“后悔、内疚和自责” 我满怀内疚,冲出去向安妮道歉 With guilt and regret flowing in my mind, I rushed to apologize to Anne. 回想起那一幕,她是如此后悔,以至于她忍不住哭了起来。 Recalling the scene,she was so guilty that she couldn't stop crying. 9.表达人物的“悲伤和沮丧” 她很伤心,不知不觉哭了,眼泪止不住。 She felt so sad that she found herself crying unconsciously, unable to hold back her tears. 被告知这个坏消息,她悲痛欲绝,倒在椅上,哭得死去活来。 Informed of the bad news , she was seized by a burst of sadness and sank onto the chair . 10. 表达人物的“焦虑和担忧” 玛丽既担心又害怕,几乎要哭了。 Anxious and worried, Mary was close to crying. 她每做出一个决定都伴随着焦虑感,担心每个选择的后果。 Every decision she made was clouded by a sense of anxiety, fearing the consequences of each choice. 11. 表达人物的“愤怒” 此时此刻,詹妮怒不可遏。“为什么大家都这么忙?”她吼道,泪流满面。 At this very moment, Jenny could no longer resist her anger. “Why is everybody so busy ” She roared, tears streaming down. 当问到他发生了什么事时,汤姆气得说不出话来。 When he was asked wha ... ...

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