
Unit8 Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show Section D 课件+音视频(仁爱科普版八年级下册)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:31次 大小:151159796Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Section D Topic1 Unit 8 Our Clothes I、学习并掌握新词汇: discuss, meaning, material, skin, uniform, saying, function, sportswear, easy-going。 II、归纳总结结果状语从句的用法。 III、学习现代服饰的作用。 Learning aims: Review Help them choose suitable clothes. 提示:点击文本框出动画。 warm colors simple style dark or cold-colored clothes fancy designs soft colors no big contrasts Pre-reading 水 族 彝族 侗族 Warm up What will the girl wear for the party She will wear a red dress for the party. Why does the girl wear different clothes for each day in a week Because she can wear clothes according to the weather, her hobbies and even her moods. New words &expressions skin /sk n/ n. 皮,皮肤 material /m 't r l/ n. 材料,布料 uniform kimono sportswear /'ju:n f :m/ n. 制服 /k 'm un u/ n. (日本的)和服 /'sp :tswe / n. 运动服装 easy-going adj. 随和的 /'se / n. 俗话,谚语 /'f k n/ n. 作用,功能,职能 /d 'sk s/ v. 讨论,谈论 /'mi:n / n. 意义,意思 easy-going saying function discuss meaning As the saying goes: You are what you wear. 衣 如 其 人 While-reading 苗族 藏族 白族 蒙古族 Look at the pictures and guess about the people based on what they wear. Then read and check your ideas. The first types of clothes were made of animal skins. People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun, wind, rain and cold. Today, we use different materials to make different kinds of clothes. But nowadays, clothes do more than just keep us warm. Clothing can also show people our jobs, our culture, our hobbies and even our moods. For example, when we see a man in a uniform, we can guess his job from the uniform. When we see a woman in a kimono, we may think that she is Japanese. If a man always wears sportswear, we may think he is active and likes doing exercise. If a person always wears yellow or pink clothes, maybe he or she is lively and easy-going. We get ideas about people from their clothes. As the saying goes, “You are what you wear.” Read 1a and complete the following tasks. 1. What does the passage mainly talk about A. The history of clothes. B. The functions of clothes. C. The styles of clothes. D. The types of clothes. 1b Skimming The first types of clothes were made of animal skins. People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun, wind, rain and cold. Today, we use different materials to make different kinds of clothes. But nowadays, clothes do more than just keep us warm. Clothing can also show people our jobs, our culture, our hobbies and even our moods. For example, when we see a man in a uniform, we can guess his job from the uniform. When we see a woman in a kimono, we may think that she is Japanese. If a man always wears sportswear, we may think he is active and likes doing exercise. If a person always wears yellow or pink clothes, maybe he or she is lively and easy-going. We get ideas about people from their clothes. As the say ... ...

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