
Unit 7 Abilities 任务型阅读(含解析)牛津译林版 七年级下册英语题型专项集训

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:96次 大小:230575Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 7 Abilities 任务型阅读(含解析)牛津译林版 七年级下册英语题型专项集训 Jeff is ten years old. He lives with his parents in the USA.Jeff’s birthday is coming. He wants to get some nice gifts (礼物). Jeff has an aunt. She is in Kenya, Africa. She has a great idea. She gives some money (给些钱) to a group to celebrate (庆祝) Jeff’s birthday. The group helps save elephants. On Jeff’s birthday, he gets an e-mail from the group. They say thanks to him. Jeff is very happy. He wants to learn about elephants and the group’s work. So he finds time to go to Kenya with his mother. The boy loves the animals and he wants to help save them, too. When Jeff comes back, he sets up (设立) a group. It tells people to save the elephants in Kenya. Jeff also works to make money for an elephant park in Thailand. “On my next birthday,” he says, “I don’t need any gifts. I hope my friends can give money to the park.” Jeff loves his work and he is happy that he can help elephants. 1.Who gives money to a group for Jeff’s birthday 2.What does Jeff get from the group on his birthday 3.Where does Jeff go with his mother 4.Does Jeff’s group tell people to save the elephants in Thailand 5.What makes Jeff happy Alex goes to buy fruits.He asks the shopkeeper, “What’s the price of bananas and apples ” The Shopkeeper answers, “Banana is 2 dollars a kilo and apples are 4 dollars a kilo.” At the same time, a woman comes to the shop and also asks the same question. The shopkeeper says, “Banana is 0.5 dollar a kilo and apples are 1 dollar a kilo.” Hearing this, Alex just can’t believe what he hears. “Why are the prices for the woman different ” he thinks. The shopkeeper finds this and asks Alex to wait here. “Thank you, God, today my children will be very happy after eating fruits.” The woman pays for fruits, and murmurs excitedly when leaving the shop. After the woman leaves, the shopkeeper looks towards Alex and says, “In the name of god, I didn’t deceive you.” After shopping for a moment, he goes on, “The woman you see just now is a poor widow, who looks after four kids alone. She lives in my neighborhood. I tried to help her, but she just didn’t take any kind of help from anyone.” “Then I think of this way to help her. In this way, she doesn’t have to feel that someone shows pity for her. _____” “In fact, whenever this lady comes, more people will come to my shop.Maybe she also brings luck to me.” After hearing all of this, Alex hugs the shopkeeper. “I will also be happy after eating the fruits,” he says. Then he leaves with the fruits. 6.Alex feels _____ when he hears the prices for the woman. A.afraid B.happy C.strange D.worried 7.We can learn from the passage that _____. A.the shopkeeper isn’t nice to Alex. B.there is a sale on in the fruit shop. C.the woman and her kids live a hard life. D.the woman often gets help from others. 8.Which of the following can be put in _____ in Paragraph 5 A.You should help her too. B.Nobod ... ...

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