
新北师大必修三Unit 7 Art Lesson 1 Masterpieces精讲精练(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:65次 大小:913158Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【北师大版必修三】Unit 7 Art 类文赏读 话题导入 Han Gan and His Horses What a magnificent horse! Even after more than a thousand years have passed, we can still feel the power within its burning eyes, bared teeth and kicking hooves. Night-Shining White, now kept in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, is regarded as one of the most significant horse paintings in the history of Chinese art. Its artist, Han Gan, is known for his skill in capturing not only the physical features of the animal, but also its inner spirit and strength. Born into a poor family in the early Tang Dynasty, the young Han Gan had to help support his family by working in a local wine shop. His artistic talent was discovered by accident when he was sent to the poet Wang Wei’s house to collect payment for some wine. While waiting at the gate, Han Gan used a stick to draw pictures in the dirt and was seen by the poet himself. Wang Wei decided to sponsor the young man to study painting and recommended him to a master. Due to Han Gan’s natural talent and years of hard work, he was eventually chosen to serve Emperor Xuanzong in the royal palace. The Tang emperors were very fond of horses. This meant that the animal was a frequent subject for artists. At that time, the most common way to study horse painting was by copying the works of previous painters. Han Gan’s method, however, was different—he observed the animal itself. He was a frequent visitor to the royal stables and even moved in to live with the stable workers for quite some time. The horses, whether resting or on the move, offered him plenty of inspiration. The more time he spent observing these animals, the more his understanding of them grew. Day after day, Han Gan painted the horses, his brush presenting every detail that he saw with his own eyes. It is said that when the Emperor asked Han Gan to take a master of horse painting as his teacher, the artist replied, “I have my own teachers, Your Majesty. All the horses in your stables are my very teachers.” Those who saw Han Gan’s horse paintings all sang high praises for his unique skill, saying that his horses “could gallop off the paper”. Even Su Shi, the famous poet of the Song Dynasty, expressed his admiration for Han Gan as a master of horse painting with the words, “The horses painted by Han Gan are real horses.” (选自新外研必修Book3Unit 4 Amazing art) 1.magnificent adj. 壮丽的;宏伟的;值得赞扬的 2.significant adj.adj. 重要的;显著的;意味深长的 3.artistic talent 艺术才能 4.by accident 偶然地;意外地 5.sponsor vt. 赞助 6.recommend v. 推荐;介绍;劝告,建议;使受欢迎 7.inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心/启发灵感的人或事;好主意 8.painting n. 绘画;油画; 9.sing high praises 高度赞扬 10.admiration n. 钦佩,赞赏 INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师大 必修第一册\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师大 必修第一册\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\202 ... ...

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