ID: 20245620

外研版九年级下册Module 4 Rules and suggestions Unit 3 Language in use 学习任务单(表格式)

日期:2024-12-19 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:77次 大小:1389734B 来源:二一课件通
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学习任务单 课程基本信息 学科 初中英语 年级 九年级 学期 春季 课题 Module 4 Rules and suggestions Unit 3 Language practice (2) &Around the world & Module task 学习目标 1. Students can use modal verbs and signs to give rules and suggestions in a proper way ; 2. Students can write useful pieces of advice for visitors to China; 3. Students can realize the importance of ecotourism. 课前学习任务 1. Students review how to use different modal verbs correctly in diverse contexts; 2. Students discuss and share rules and suggestions for tourists and write down the results they’ve got; 3. Students search for the information of ecotourism and take some notes. 课上学习任务 【学习任务一】 Watch and say. Q1: What happened to the beach Q2: What are the people doing 【学习任务二】 Brainstorm and choose. Q1: Have you ever met any behaviors that may harm the environment Q2: Which one is environmentally friendly Discuss and then find out the right and harmful behaviors. Learn about the signs of harmful behaviors. 【学习任务三】 Give rules and suggestions. 1. Review the modal verbs and give rules and suggestions according to the behaviors in the PPT. 2. Listen to a passage and decide if the three statements are true or false. 3. Use modal verbs( should/ shouldn’t/ must/ mustn’t) to give rules and suggestions. 【学习任务四】 Watch and define ecotourism. Q1: What is Ecotourism Q2: What can tourists learn about when they take a trip in nature 【学习任务五】 Read and discuss the rules of ecotourism. Q1: What are the rules Read passage and find out the rules. Q2: What rules are useful for you Why 1. Read the passage and find out the rules. 2. Think and discuss the most useful rules as well as the reasons. 【学习任务六】 Work in groups and make a leaflet. 1. Work in group of four and put forward three the most useful pieces of advice for visitors to the Asian Games. 2. Draw a leaflet and write down the suggestions. 3. Show the leaflet and evaluate which one is the best.

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