ID: 20245982


日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:62次 大小:1576960B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) LOOK AND SAY photo valley village wife bank water along LET’S DO IT AGAIN~~! between hill another swim building into park wife WHAT’S THIS bookcase LESSON 37 MAKING A BOOKCASE I LEADING Free talk Do you know how to make things What about a plane Do you like reading II NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS v. 工作 work for sb. 为某人工作 I work for him. He pays me! work hard 努力工作,努力干活 Lucky works very hard! 2.hard-working Lucky is a hard-working man! hard adv. 努力地,adj. 硬的,坚强的 study hard Don’t worry, I will study hard! listen hard try hard The wall is very hard! And the pillow is very soft! soft [s ft] adv. 柔软的,软的 3.make v. 做(某事,某物) Can you make a cake I can make some delicious food! make of 和 make from The chair is made of wood. The paper is made from wood. make of 是看得出原材料 make from是看不出原材料 4.favourite adj. 喜欢的,喜爱的 My favourite colour is blue. Blue is my favorite colour. My favourite super star is Williams. My favourite food is Jiaozi. My favourite fruit is apple. My favourite student is… What’s your favourite … NEW WORDS work 工作 hard 努力地 bookcase 书架 hammer 锤子 paint 涂 pink 粉红色 favourite 最喜欢的 LISTENING Listen to the tape ,and then answer the questions. 1.What is George doing 2. What is George going to do 3. What colour is George going to paint 4. Is the bookcase for George ANALYZE OF THE PASSAGE You’re working hard. 以you’re 开头,表示“你…”语气较肯定 You’re handsome/beautiful! You’re stupid! You’re an American, right 你是Tank吧?/ 吗? You’re Tank, right Are you Tank 一般将来时 一般将来时:表示将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。 一般将来时句型: be going to +动词原形. 主语+will (shall)+动词原形. 我将要回家。 I am going to go home. I will go home. BE GOING TO +动词原形~ 肯定句 主语+be going to +动词原形~ 我将要回家。 I am going to go home. 她将要清洁房间。 She is going to clean the house. 2. 否定句 主语+be +not going to +动词原形~ 他们不是将要去散步。 They are not going to have a walk. 我们不是将要去踢足球。 We are not going to play football. 1.我今晚会给你电话。 2. 她会在8点起床。 3. 他们将会煮晚餐。 4. 他将会去银行。 I’m going to call you tonight. She is going to get up at 8. They are going to cook dinner. He is going to the bank. 我不准备吃午餐了。 她们不打算去逛街了。 他们不打算去爬山了。 她不准备去关灯了。 I’m not going to have dinner. They are not going to go shopping. They are not going to climb the hill. She is not going to turn off the light. Lesson 38 What are you going to do What are you doing do her homework She is doing her homework. She is going to do her homework. listen to music She is listening to music. She is going to listen to music. wash the dishes She is washing the dishes. She is going to wash the dishes. homework listen dish shaving going to shave waiting for bus going to wait for bus doing her homework going to do her homework painting the guitar going to paint the guitar l ... ...

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