
2024届 高考英语 二轮复习 完形填空 专题练习(含解析)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:50次 大小:48682Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Passage 1 Growing up, I was fortunate to have dinner with my family almost every day. Sometimes, the family dinner circle __1__ to include relatives stopping by. Yet, I knew some friends whose parents got home after dinner or even __2__ the entire evening. So I __3__ the quality time around our kitchen table, which witnessed countless valuable __4__ in my life. __5__, my kids cannot relate to my childhood memories. They have been left to __6__ with babysitters more times than I would like to admit. My husband and I have __7__ careers. And we often end up staying at the office way past dinnertime. When this happens too often, it __8__ the balance of our family. Apart from suffering from __9__, what else can a hardworking family do I think we can all try to __10__ our own ways to spend time together. Surely there are days when I'm too busy to share a meal with my family. But I would make efforts to __11__ and chat later that day, __12__ setting aside cellphones every time. And I even find a bedtime reading with my kids much __13__. I am also proud to have our “big breakfast” routine every Saturday. My husband serves as the head chef, and my younger son __14__ him to make the breakfast. I am aware that my sons are growing up quickly and will be out of the __15__ someday. But now, I am happy to have so many wonderful things on my plate. 1.A.widened B.formed C.lessened D.closed 2.A.missed B.avoided C.enjoyed D.recorded 3.A.wasted B.treasured C.limited D.calculated 4.A.shows B.dishes C.recipes D.moments 5.A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Besides 6.A.sleep B.dine C.study D.play 7.A.suitable B.flexible C.satisfying D.demanding 8.A.maintains B.disturbs C.improves D.strikes 9.A.fear B.anger C.guilt D.hunger 10.A.predict B.create C.evaluate D.accept 11.A.work out B.calm down C.hold on D.catch up 12.A.unwillingly B.casually C.consciously D.carelessly 13.A.louder B.shorter C.simpler D.sweeter 14.A.assists B.guides C.allows D.orders 15.A.office B.kitchen C.house D.park Passage 2 It isn't every day that the future and the past meet on national television. Peter Davies, a 100 year old World War Ⅱ veteran from Macclesfield, England struggled to find __1__ in his life after his wife passed away. __2__, when his daughter suggested he offer his help at the local elementary school, he decided to __3__ it. Peter __4__ at Dean Valley Primary School, Bollington, and he is a huge hit with all of the children he tutors. He makes reading into a fun game, and his new __5__ as a grandfatherly figure makes him feel more __6__ to his community than ever before. “The kids are __7__; they are like sponges (海绵)” said Peter.“I'm sure I get more out of it than the __8__ do. I'm not this old man who lives on his own. I'm part of the __9__, which is great. Plus my street __10__ is extremely good because I'll be going __11__ in the village and a child will shout out ‘Hello Mr. Davies,’ and I feel __12__.” ... ...

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