
2024年中考英语(完形填空)模拟真题 (上海专用)(含解析)

日期:2024-06-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:77次 大小:149636Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年中考英语(完形填空)模拟真题 (上海专用) (2024·上海宝山·二模)Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或短语,完成短文) Exams help teachers see what kids know, but some say it’s time to stop the clock Students in the US are regularly tested on their knowledge of class materials, from midterms to finals. Traditionally, educators have put time limits on tests 1 they believe it’s fair to give most students the same amount of time, and they also think students who really know the material should be able to answer all the questions during that time. Studies have shown, however, that the 2 to take a test quickly doesn’t reflect (反映) a student’s intelligence or knowledge of the material. Timed tests simply favour (有利于) students who can think under pressure. What do you think Should we get rid of timed tests Yes—having a time limit on tests can be unfair Time limits on tests give an advantage to students who can think quickly and stay calm. That has 3 to do with how much they know or how much they’ve studied. Many students, including people with learning difficulties, need more time to focus on their thoughts. They can get stressed and anxious (焦虑的) and even have trouble sleeping the night before a test, which will affect their performance. Not everyone can express his ideas or knowledge while the clock is ticking. Studies show that when students have time to focus on the questions, they give more thoughtful answers and 4 remember the material better. No—it’s important to have time limits on tests Giving students the same test with the same time limit is a fair way to test and compare their knowledge and abilities. While some students may need extra time due to specific needs, not everyone does. 5 there is a time limit for students to finish a test, they won’t learn how to manage their time or decide how much time to spend on each question. Time limits encourage students to trust their knowledge, make decisions and move forward, which helps build 6 . Learning to work efficiently and quickly is also important in the real world, including in the workplace. 1.A.therefore B.although C.until D.because 2.A.decision B.ability C.moment D.opinion 3.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing 4.A.immediately B.rarely C.actually D.suddenly 5.A.Since B.Unless C.Even if D.When 6.A.progress B.friendship C.behavior D.confidence (2024·上海静安·二模)Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文). A Taste of Finnish Culture Some students came to Finland to study at Helsinki University. They are sitting in a city cafe after one of their classes. Kirsten: Talking about Finns and Finland, what do you guys think about living here 7 Edwina: I must tell you guys that I was quite pleasantly surprised at the weather when I first arrived here in the middle of winter. The temperature was minus 15. I thought I was going to die! But I don’t freeze ... ...

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