
Unit 3 At the zoo教学设计

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:52次 大小:21822Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《Unit 3 At the zoo》 教学设计 教学课题:Unit 3 At the zoo 教材分析:本节课以“zoo”为线索,以动物园里的动物形态特征为话题,引出四个形容词fat,thin,tall,short,再用What’s missing、Sing a song、Let’s do、Let’s practice、Let’s think等形式多样的任务活动巩固串联起来,进行练习,并能用Look at that…和It’s…的句型来表灵活运用本课所学的形容词,然后进一步通过情景练习,听力练习指导学生语言知识的迁移及语言运用能力的培养,让学生在轻松地教学氛围中学习本节课内容。 教学方法:游戏教学法、直观教学法、机械练习法、实物教学法 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会认、读准单词:tall, short, fat, thin。 2、能用Look at that…和It’s…的句型灵活应用本课所学的形容词来描述熟悉的动物或者人物。 3、能听懂指令,并边说边完成Let’s do 的内容。 4、能树立热爱动物,热爱自然的意识。 教学重点: 1、掌握单词,能听懂、会认、读单词:tall, short, fat, thin 教学难点: 1、能在句型look at that…和It’s…中灵活运用。 教学准备:PPT、动物图片、 教学过程: Step1: Warming up & Greeting(课前热身) T: Hello everyone , welcome to my class, today we’re going to learn Unit Three《At the zoo》 T: First, let’s sing a song《It’s a dog》 It’s a dog Ba -Ba-Ba-Ba It's a dog.Woof!Woof! It's a dog.Woof!Woof! It's a cat.Meow! It's a cat.Meow! It's a dog.woof!woof! It's a dog.woof!woof! It's a cat.Meow! It's a cat.Meow! It's a cat.Meow! It's a cat.Meow! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba It's a bird.Chirp!Chirp! It's a bird.Chirp!Chirp! It's a snake.S-S-S-S It's a snake.S-S-S-S It's a bird.Chirp!Chirp! It's a bird.Chirp!Chirp! It's a snake.S-S-S-S It's a snake.S-S-S-S Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba It's a rabbit.Hop!Hop! It's a rabbit.Hop!Hop! It's a fish.Swim!Swim! It's a fish.Swim!Swim! It's a rabbit.Hop!Hop! It's a rabbit.Hop!Hop! It's a fish.Swim!Swim! It's a fish.Swim!Swim! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba Yeah! S: Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba It's a dog.Woof!Woof! It's a dog.Woof!Woof! …… T: Yes, you’re great. Sit down , please. (设计意图:用It’s a dog这首歌曲进行热身,歌曲内容与本节课内容相关,让学生能够更好的进入状态,学习本节课内容。) Step2: Presentation(新课呈现) Teach the new words, fat/thin/tall/short. T: Today ,we’re going to have a trip ,Look at the picture ,Where is it T: What animals do you see 1、呈现“fat”. T:I see a……,What do you see S:I see a…… T: Excellent ,What’s this S: It’s a panda. T: What’s this S: It’s a monkey. T: Look at that panda ,It’s fat.(加强语气和肢体动作)Can you guess ,What the meaning of “fat”? S:…… T:Yes, you are so clever , read after me“fat”. S: …… T: fat↗fat↘ S: fat↗fat↘ T: Show me your finger. S: Finger , finger. T: f-a-t. S:…… T: fat. S: fat. T: f , f , f /f/,/f/,/f/ S: …… T: a , a , a / /,/ /,/ / S: …… T: t , t , t /t/ , /t/ , /t/ S: …… Fat(这里用自然拼读的方法教授单词) T: The panda is fat.(这里熊猫和猴子做对比,熊猫“胖”) S: The panda is fat. T: Follow follow me , follow follow you.(这里进行高低声、钟摆、阶梯等机械式练习) S:…… 2、用以上呈现fat的方法呈现“thin”. 3、用以上呈现fat的方法呈现“tall”. 4、用以上呈现fat的方法呈现“short”. (设计意图:这个环节利用自然拼读更好的学习单词,加入了各种 ... ...

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