
高教版中职英语高一下册基础模块2 Unit 2 Health and Fitness 知识清单+练习(单词、句型、语法)含答案

日期:2024-06-08 科目:英语 类型:试卷 查看:36次 大小:1184499Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 Health and Fitness知识清单 01 Word and Expressions fitness /'fitn s/n.健康 technician /tek'ni n/n.技术人员 appointment / 'p intm nt/n.预约 terrible /'ter bl/adj.可怕的 cough /k f/n.咳嗽 temperature /'tempr t (r)/n.温度 physical /'fizikl/adj.肉体的;身体的 active /' ktiv/adj.好动的;活跃的 cure /kju (r)/n.药物;疗法 energy /'en d i/n.精力 handle /'h ndl/u.处理;应付 ignore /ig'n :(r)/v.忽视;不理睬 develop /di'vel p/v.患(病);发展 illness /'iln s/n.疾病 cancer /'k ns (r)/n.癌症 promote / pr m / v.促进 self-respect / selfri'spekt/n.自尊(心) quality / kw l t / n.质量 reduce /ri'dju:s/v.减少 stress /stres/n.(精神)压力 lose one's temper /lu:z w nz 'temp /发脾气 recover from /ri'k v (r) fr m/从...恢复 as a result / z ri'z lt/结果 burn off /b :n f/燃尽;烧掉 suffer from /'s f fr m/忍受;遭受 02 Listening and Speaking Jack, a German technician working in Shanghai, doesn’t feel well and goes to see a doctor. Jack: Good morning, Sir. Here is my appointment number. Doctor: Thank you. So, what’s wrong with you Jack: I have a sore throat and a terrible cough, and my temperature is over 39°C. Doctor: I see. How long have you been like this Jack: Since yesterday evening. Doctor: Please open your mouth and say “Ah”. Hmm, I’m afraid you have a bad cold. Jack: Is there anything I can do about it I feel really bad. Doctor: Yes, there is. Take this medicine one tablet three times a day, drink more water and do have a good rest. 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Jack:What else should I pay attention to Doctor: You should avoid heavy food and when you are feeling better, do more exercise. Jack: Thank you. When will I recover from it Doctor:Well, it will take about one week. 译文: 杰克是一名在上海工作的德国技术人员,他感觉不舒服,于是去看了医生。 杰克:早上好,先生。这是我的预约号。 医生:谢谢。你有什么不舒服? 杰克:我喉咙痛,咳嗽很厉害,体温超过了 39°。 医生:明白。你这样的情况有多久了? 杰克:从昨天晚上开始。 医生:请张开嘴,说“啊”。嗯,恐怕你得了重感冒。 杰克:我该怎么做?我真的感觉很难受。 医生:这个药每天吃三次,每次一粒,多喝水,好好休息。 杰克:我还应该注意什么? 医生:不要吃难以消化的食物。当你感觉好一些了,要加强锻炼。 杰克:谢谢。我什么时候能恢复? 医生:嗯,大约需要一周的时间。 03 Reading andWriting AGreat Cure, Sadly Long Ignored People are less active nowadays, partly because technology has made our lives easier. There is public transport for us to take. There are washing machines to wash our clothes. We enjoy ourselves in front of a screen. Fewer people are doing manual (体力的) work, and most of us have jobs that involve little physical effort. As a result, we move around less, burn off less energy, and have more health problems. So, what should we do to handle this modern problem Exercise is a great cure we have always had, but sadly we have ignored it for too long. Evidence shows that whatever your age, exercise can help you lead a healthier and happier life. People who exercise o ... ...

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