
Module 7 Unit 1 Have you ever been to an English corner课件(25张PPT+4音频) 外研(新标准)版九年级下册

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:85次 大小:8362047Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 7 English for you and me Unit 1 Have you ever been to an English corner 外研九年级(下) Learning Objectives By the end of the class, we will be able to: 1. know Lingling’s attitudes toward learning English; 2. know Betty and Lingling’s opinions about the English corner; 3. learn some techniques of English leaning. Tony’s dad wanted to travel to China, so he learned Chinese and made progress in learning it. Listen and choose the correct answer. 1. How has Tony’s dad made progress in learning Chinese a) He has been to classes. b) He has practised it every day. c) He did not do anything special. 2. According to Tony’s dad, what do you need to do to be good at a foreign language a) You need to be very bright. b) You need to work hard. c) You need to go to classes. 3. What does Tony’s dad think about Chinese a) It is easier than English. b) It is more difficult than English. c) It is as easy as English. Although Tony’s dad found it difficult to write and read Chinese, he thought Chinese is easier than English. Do you have the same difficulties in learning English Do you think it is difficult to learn English What things are difficult for you Read the list. Check ( ) the statements that are true for you. I can’t understand spoken English. I can’t listen to an English tape clearly. I can’t pronounce some of the words. I can’t speak to my classmates in English fluently. I can’t understand English passages and newspapers. I don’t know how to increase my reading speed. I can’t spell some English words. I can’t write an English passage well. listening speaking reading writing What methods can we use to improve the four aspects Look and fill the blank. If you want to improve your listening, you can . listen to English radio If you want to practice speaking, you can . attend English speech competition and go to an English corner If you want to increase reading speed, you can . read English books and magazines If you want to improve your writing, you can . learn grammar well and read more English passages dd Discussion Besides the above methods, how do you learn English Methods of English learning My Methods of English learning listening speaking writing reading Lingling and Betty are also talking about English learning. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1. How much progress has Lingling made in English 3. What does Betty think of Lingling’s progress in English 4. Will Lingling go to an English corner Why 2. How is Lingling’s spoken English She’s achieved a lot. Her spoken English is not good. She thinks Betty’s done really well and enjoyed learning English. No, she won’t. She can speak English with Betty whenever they meet. In terms of English learning, Lingling’ s opinions are different from some people. Read and fill the blank. Lingling Some people English learning difficult require too much effort to learn it well difficult to learn at the beign ... ...

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