

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:29次 大小:238483Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Part1时事热点 (2024·上海宝山·二模)For decades, people have guessed that artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually replace human workers. But developments in the past few years have 1 these concerns as companies have released AI that can answer questions, write articles and create images. Now, even people in creative fields must consider the 2 of AI replacing them. But many experts still insist that these AI programs are no substitute for human ability. AI programs have the 3 to perform some tasks currently performed by human workers. These include media jobs, such as writing advertisements and articles, along with many jobs in the financial fields and even tech-related jobs such as computer programming. AI is good at 4 data, so financial analysts and market research analysts may find their jobs 5 . Using AI for certain tasks may be a good thing. Perhaps AI will 6 less interesting work, allowing people to do more satisfying jobs, just as earlier technologies have. Using a machine to do laundry saves time 7 to washing clothes by hand, and many people use that extra time productively. 8 , AI may be able to take over dull tasks, liberating people to be truly creative, since thinking up new ideas is something AI cannot do. Another big challenge for AI is human 9 . Most people prefer to communicate with humans rather than machines. Hence, AI is 10 to replace humans for jobs that require personal connection, such as counseling or teaching. A robot can perform tasks, but it cannot 11 care about others, and sometimes care is what people need. AI can process data quickly, but it can only use data that it is given. So it cannot adapt to situations that 12 significantly from those in its data. Thus, although some AI programs can create content, none of them can be truly creative as the content AI creates will 13 consist of some combination of its sources. Finally, if the AI receives false information, it has no way of recognizing that as false. Humans can also be fooled, but life experience can tell them whether a claim is reasonable, an ability that AI does not have. 14 , AI must continually be fact-checked to make sure its data, and therefore its conclusions, are accurate. Thus, although AI may replace some jobs, others require a human 15 . At best AI may eliminate certain boring parts of tasks so that humans can focus on things that only they can do. 1.A.denied B.prevented C.transferred D.intensified 2.A.function B.possibility C.capability D.character 3.A.potential B.schedule C.objective D.ambition 4.A.searching B.providing C.analyzing D.storing 5.A.at risk B.at work C.at last D.at least 6.A.bring over B.get over C.turn over D.take over 7.A.wasted B.compared C.consumed D.spared 8.A.However B.Therefore C.Similarly D.Meanwhile 9.A.interaction B.resource C.resistance D.creativity 10.A.unwilling B.unlikely C.unfair D.unfortunate 11.A.deeply B.accurately C.directly D.genuinely 12.A.evolve B.range ... ...

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