
2024年高考英语(阅读理解之应用文)模拟真题 (北京专用)(含解析)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:66次 大小:61220Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年高考英语(阅读理解之应用文)模拟真题 (北京专用) (2024上·北京顺义·高三统考二模)The CAUSE Leadership Academy (CLA) for students is a paid nine-week internship (实习) program that connects college undergraduates to communities through local political experiences and prepares them to lead and advocate for the civic engagement. General Information: ·Program Duration: June 24th, 2024—August 23rd, 2024 ·Location and Time Commitment: CLA will be an in-person, full-time program (5 days per week, about 40 hours per week) . ·Payment: Each intern will receive $4, 000 upon satisfactory completion of the program. Program Goals: ·To gain new skills and knowledge ·To deepen understanding of issues that impact the local community ·To explore civic leadership career paths ·To develop professional experience and skills to be effective in political advocacy and campaign support Program Components: ·Interns will work together to develop a project. ·Interns will be placed in a public, private, or non-profit host office. ·Interns will learn about and support civic engagement efforts with their Host Office. ·Interns will develop leadership skills and expand understanding of civic engagement. Requirements for the applicants: ·Have a minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3. 0 ·Be a current student with at least one year of college completed or a recent college graduate ·Be able to actively participate in all major events For full consideration, applicants must ensure both Application and Letter of Recommendation are received by Sunday, January 28th, 2024 at 11: 59 pm. 1.The program aims to help participants _____. A.lead political campaigns B.make high academic achievements C.choose civic leadership career paths D.deepen understanding of civic issues 2.CLA will provide interns _____. A.a training online B.a project to finish individually C.a leader position in a Host Office D.a $4, 000 payment for great work 3.Which is a requirement for the applicants A.Participating in all events. B.Having a GPA no less than 3. 0. C.Applying after January 28th, 2024. D.Being a current high school student. (2024上·北京西城·高三统考期末)Pets are part of our family so it’s important to factor them in when planning a trip that you’re not taking them with you on. Pet charity Blue Cross advises planning well in advance so you know that your pet will be comfortable. Family and friends Leaving your pet in the care of a trusted friend or neighbour will give you peace of mind that it will be well cared for. Your pet will be able to stay with them in their home. Things to consider if your pet is staying in another house: · Do they have another dog or pet and will they get on with your pet · Do they have a garden Is the garden secure so your pet can’t escape Pet sitter Pet sitters stay in or visit your home to look after your pet while you’re away for a fee. This is a good option which allows your pet to stay in a familiar environment and you will rec ... ...

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