

日期:2024-09-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:19次 大小:4787926Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九、根据首字母和上下文提示把单词补充完整,完成短文。(7分 There ispark inof my house.Iof the park my friends.Wesomeimsingad the park My friend 。 Amy is reallysing And sometimes we read s5 together.Wea76 have a77 of fun in the park. 71.f 72.v 73.d 74.d 75.s 76.a _77.1 十、连词成句,使对话完整(注意标点符号和字母大小写形式)。(8分》 Mike:Look,Su Hai.What's on the table Su Hai:78 Beside the TV,there is a clock. (there,TV,is,a) Mike:79. (usually,do,after school,watch TV,you,) Su Hai:No,I don't.80. (play table tennis,often,with my friends,I 81. (to,my e-friends,write letters,I,sometimes) 十一、书面表达。(5分) Yang Ling正在班级里介绍她的e-friend,请根据思维导图提示帮助Yang Ling 完成介绍吧。要求:语句通顺,突出要,点,不少于5句话。 Betty 13 Canada rabbit yellow playing the piano,swimming Maths,Art often study Chinese at weekends Hello,I'm Yang Ling.My e-friend is. 五年级英语试题第6页(共6页) 学校 班级 密 姓名 考号 A.She's a nurse. 出件热发语环镜集1乐(出6球) B.She can drive the car. )17.What can Liu Tao's mother do A.He's a cook. )16.What is Liu Tao's father good at )15.A.He is new. )14.A.Yes,she does. )13.A.No,there isn't. )12.A.Monday. )11.A.They are farmers. 10.A.family B.He's good at driving. )9.A.wait a minute )7.A.afraid A.happy )5.A.computer room 溪 B.In a factory. B.No,I am not. B.No,it can't. B.They are doctors.C.They are writers. B.Red. B.finally B.write for B.after B.music room 州外> C.She can cook nice food C.He's good at cooking. C:At8.30. C.Science. C.first 宜个限活语机想(60分具) C·Yes:C. C.No,it doesn't. C.wait for C.by the river C.always C.hard C.reading room 2023-2024党件食新一华想阳利保业食生测业 一+ )29.Let me )27.I often )26.It's a sunny day today.Let's D.just right A.look out animals children A.Makes clothes. A.Watching football games. A.Plays football. )18.What does Jane often do 女 Mike gets some presents at Christmas. Mike buys a Christmas tree at Christmas !There is a car coming. the beautiful forest. )28.This dress is too long.That one is with my e-friends on the Intemet. E.have a chat B.show you around )20.What does Jane's sister usually do B.Makes kites. U B.Watching films. B.Plays on the swing. I want that one Take some pudding.pies andjuice F.have apicnic C.Draws pictures C.Reading. C.Swims 回式 E.Who's th C.What do A.Where i

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