
新概念英语第三册Lesson 9 Flying cats练习题(无答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:100次 大小:19314Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 9 Flying cats 一、选择正确的答案。 1. Professor Taylor’s talk his indicated that science has a very strong_____on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientist. A. motivation B. perspective C. expression D.impact 2.The children were_____by the toys in the shop window. A. fashioned B.fascinated C. obtained D. sustained 3.The opening between the rocks was very narrow,but the boys managed to_____through. A. press B. squeeze C. stretch D. leap 4.There is no easy solution to Japan’s labour_____. A.decline B. vacancy C. rarity D. shortage 5.She suffered_____headaches and could hardly sleep. A.of B. by C. from D. to 6.Direct taxation is usually based_____income. A.by B. from C. about D. on 7.At first she was against Pen,and_____of him, she was his partisan now. A.suspect B. hatred C. suspicious D. conspicuous 8.All of off-shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read_____letters from their families. A.sentimental B.affectionate C. intimate D. sensitive 9.His remarks were_____annoy everybody at the meeting. A. so as to B. such as to C. such to D. as much as to 10.I have never been to London, but that is the city_____. A.where I like to visit most B.I’d most like to visit C.which I like to visit mostly D.where I’d like most to visit 二、根据汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空。 1. There is nothing_____ (神秘的) in her character. She is just a common girl. 2. In many cultures, women are taught to be _____ (顺从的)to men. 3. The nation has been fighting for _____ (独立)since the early twentieth century. 4. Mrs. Smith bought some flowers to decorate her_____(窗台). 5. His father used to be a _____(伞兵) in the army and now he worked as an engineer. 三、根据句子意思,选择合适的单词填入空白处。 1. The public is___ __(fascinated;fascinating)by the private lives of public figures . 2. Few people have ever had the courage to climb into this___ __(mystery; mysterious) cave. 3. Many students take up part-time jobs while learning to become financially___ __(independence; independent ). 4. It is our___ __(belief; relief) that improvement in health care will surely lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. 5. Fortunately, he escaped from the accident without any___ __(injure;injury). 四、翻译句子。 1. 这部小说是以历史事实为根据的。 _____ 2.他不信任陌生人。 _____ 3.我和简毫无共同之处。 _____ 4.那孩子对他的新玩具着了迷。 _____ 5.他暂时屈服了。 _____

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