
2024届江苏省南京市高三下学期二模英语试题读后续写“爱与宽容:一位智慧妈妈助力儿子的成长 讲义-

日期:2024-06-07 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:44次 大小:81104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一 篇完整的短文。 I am not a gamer. I’ll be honest: video games and I don’t really see eye to eye, and I have no ambitions to become better. I never have the experience playing against my kids and winning. And that’s okay. Board games, on the other hand, are a different story. At least there, I stand a chance of victory. One day, my 12-year-old son begged me to play a game with him. He held, out a game controller and begged, “Just one game with me You can use it to control the game through your movements.” His eyes were full of anticipation and I could see the excitement welling up within him. How could I possibly resist such a sincere and heartfelt request “Just one game.” My son’s face lit up. In a matter of minutes, we were standing in our living room, virtually bowling away. My son’s amusement at my lack of gaming skills was evident. 1 could see the struggle on his face as he fought to hold back his laughter. The game controller felt awkward and unfamiliar in my hand, but I did my best to copy my son' movements and follow his lead. At one point, my son said, “No, Mom. You really have to put some force into it. Like this.” With that, he threw his arm back, stepped forward, and with plenty of force extended out his arm that was holding the controller. Instead of sending the virtual bowling ball flying, the controller went off his hand and broke the TV screen. The impact was immediate and destructive. The screen cracked (碎裂), sending a crazy mosaic (马赛克) of colors dancing across its surface. It looked like something straight out of a dream. The air stood still at that moment. The look on my son’s face was a funny mixture of horror, disbelief, and guilt. He stayed absolutely frozen for a long moment. Then, slowly, he turned to me. “Mom…” with a weak smile, “Did I just...break the TV ” 注意:1.续写词数应为150个左右: 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Surprisingly, I wasn’t angry at all. But my son insisted on keeping the broken TV. 文章解读: 线索句解读: 1."Just one game with me You can use it to control the game through your movements.” - 这句话表明儿子非常想和作者一起玩游戏,而且他教作者如何使用游戏手柄。 2. "The game controller felt awkward and unfamiliar in my hand, but I did my best to copy my son' movements and follow his lead." - 这句话表明作者对电子游戏并不熟悉,但是她还是尽力去模仿儿子的动作。 3. "The air stood still at that moment. The look on my son's face was a funny mixture of horror, disbelief, and guilt." - 这句话描绘了电视屏幕被打破后,儿子脸上的表情,表明他感到非常内疚和不安。 第一段续写:作者并没有因为电视屏幕被弄坏而生气,而是理解儿子的内疚和不安。她可能会安慰儿子,告诉他没关系。 第二段续写:尽管作者理解儿子的内疚,但是儿子还是坚持要保留被弄坏的电视。这可能是因为他觉得自己有责任,或者他想记住这个教训。 下水文: Surprisingly, I wasn’t angry at all. In fact, the longer I gazed at the cracked TV screen, the less unable I was to hold back my tears ... ...

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