
2024届高考英语 台州二模分析课件(共11张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:95827Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 台州二模分析 May 9 Listening Text 3 M:We've been _____ around for ten minutes to look for a _____.I knew today would be busy intown.We should have taken _____ instead of _____! W:What about the street near the train station There's always somewhere to _____ near there. M:It's worth a try. 3. How do the speakers travel into town today A. By train. B. By car. C. By bus. If something circles an object or a place, or circles around it, it forms a circle around it. 环绕 Text 4 M:I've been _____ stamps since I was little, but this is the first one I've had from Australia. W:Oh,wow. It is from the 1920s but has the English king pictured on it as he was head of state at the time. You could sell that for a fortune! 4. Who is probably the man A. A stamp collector. B. A stamp designer. C. A stamp seller. 1. ultimate 最终的 2. blaze a trail 开辟道路 3. face off 4. news release 5. fertile 6. sticky 7. paddle 8. blacksmith 9. look into 10. saw 11. polished metal 12. pay off 13. source 14. perfectionist 15. outshine 16. substitute 17. startup 18. alternative 19. microbe 20. ferment 21. nutrient 22. partner with 23. sugarcane biosphere circulation large volumes of 大量 oversupply供给过剩 deserted空旷的,空无一人的,废弃的 high-end 高端的 sizeable相当大的 circular instant cake mix 速食蛋糕混合粉 assemble集合,聚集 result from 由....引起 mimic 模仿 be terrified of 极度害怕 outbid出价高于 in a row连续 devoted挚爱的,忠诚的 fateful 重大的,决定性的 burnout 燃尽,精疲力尽 ongoing持续存在的,仍在进行的 figurine小雕像 delicacy美味,佳肴,精致 lend 增添(特色) 本篇文章讨论了中学生在写作过程中因受到模仿式教育的影响而缺乏创造力。作者提到创造力其实是一种可以通过培养的能力,而教育系统往往没有鼓励这一点。文章还提出,为了帮助青少年发展创造力和勇气,应转变对他们未来的过分强调,鼓励好奇心和探索精神,让他们明白生活充满了尝试和变化的可能性。 I run a lot of writing workshops in secondary schools and what I often see is this: teenagers in class just look at the blank page and freeze. Even when I assure them they can't get it wrong in creative writing, they still pause and feel painful, looking to me for clear and definite instructions. This behavior results from their training to mimic(模仿). 36 In time, they are terrified of getting things wrong and risking failure. Creativity is no longer advocated and is even viewed as a soft skill, or even a weakness. However, creativity is highly valued by employers. According to The Conversation, creativity has been the number-one skill demanded by 20 million job ads on LinkedIn for two years in a row. 37 Due to limited educational resources and assessment pressures, teenagers' thinking becomes increasingly narrow, leaving them afraid to explore other possibilities. 38 It's just an ability to make new connections and follow where they go. Actually, creativity requires qualities available to us all: courage, observation, curiosity, flexibility and perseverance. A. But in schoo ... ...

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