
新概念英语第一册 语法点归纳学案 Lesson67-68(含练习答案)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:79次 大小:74006Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 新概念英语第一册 语法点总结 Lesson67-68 语法点:一般过去时(be动词) 一般过去时的(be动词)有: am的过去式was | is的过去式was | are的过去式were 主语+was/were+其他. (肯定句): The sun was blazing during the day.白天太阳毒辣。 I was about to suggest it myself.我正要提这个好主意呢。 There was a chase after the attack.袭击之后,有人驾车追逐袭击者。 主语+was/were+not+其他. (否定句): I was not/wasn't at the baker's on Sunday. 我星期日没在面包房。 She was not/wasn't at the office on May 3rd. 5月3 日,她不在办公室。 We were not/weren't at home last Tuesday. 上周二我们不在家。 Was/Were+主语 + 其他 (一般疑问句): -- Were you at school on Monday 你星期一在学校没 -- Yes, I was. 我在。 -- No, I wasn't. 我没在。 -- Was he better last night 他昨晚好些了吗 - Yes, he was. 是的, 他好些了。 -- No, he wasn't. 不, 他还没好。 疑问词+ was/were+主语+其他 (特殊疑问句) -- Where were you last night 昨天晚上你在哪里 -- I was at Tom's (home).我在汤姆家。 -- When was he in the country last week 他上周什么时候在乡下 -- He was in the country from Monday to Saturday.他周一到周六都在乡下。 专项练习: 写出下列完全形式的简缩形式。 I am=_____ she is= _____ we are=_____he is=_____ there are=_____ let us=_____ is not=_____ are not=_____ It is=____ who is=____ 二、填入正确的be动词 I _____ from Australia. 2. She _____ a student. 3.Jane and Tom _____ my friends. 4. My parents _____ very busy every day. 5.I _____ an English teacher now. 6.Where _____ you from 7.The light _____ green. 8.My name _____ Li Dong.I _____ twelve. 9._____ they your new friends 10. I _____ a boy. _____ you a boy No, I _____ not. 三、翻译句子。 1.我以前是一位医生。 ——— 你以前是一位医生吗? ——— 是的,我以前是一位医生。 ——— 两年前我还是个小男孩吗? ——— 你去年在上海吗? ——— 我奶奶那时还年轻? ——— 句型转换:换成 含有be动词的一般过去时的特殊疑问句的语序 He and I were in the same class in Grade One. ——— It was sunny yesterday. ——— It was Mary’s birthday yesterday. She was very happy. ——— 答案: 填空 1.am 2.is 3.are 4.are 5.'m 6.are 7.is 8.is; 'm 9.Are 10.'m; Are; 'm 翻译句子 1.I was a doctor before. 2. Were you a doctor before 3. Yes, I was a doctor before. 4. Was I a little boy two years ago 5. Were you in Shanghai last year 6. Was my grandma young then 四、句型转换 1. Who were in the same class in Grade One 2. How was the weather yesterday / What was the weather like yesterday 3. Whose birthday was it yesterday How was she

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