
Unit 7 Qomolangma--the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World Section A 3a-3c小阅读课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:22次 大小:80807500Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 7 Qomolangma--the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World Section A 3a-3c 2023-2024学年人教版八年级英语(下册)★★ 1. Master the following key words and phrases: achievement, thick, include, condition, take in, succeed,in the face of, force, nature, … 2. Understand the article about Qomolangma and learn the spirit of the mountain climbers. 3. Challenge ourselves in the face of difficulties and learn to be brave. Travel around the world with me! What’s the longest river in the world The Nile. How long is it It’s 6,671 kilometers long. What’s the largest ocean in the world The Pacific Ocean. How large is it It’s 181,344,000 square kilometers. What’s the highest mountain in the world Qomolangma. How high is it It’s 8,848.86 meters high. Where is Qomolangma This is the Himalayas--one of the most popular places for mountain climbing. Do you remember who he is Why did he lost his arm Is mountain climbing dangerous Of all the mountains,Qomolangma rises the highest. Is climbing Qomolangma very dangerous Is climbing Qomolangma very dangerous Tips: Look at the title and picture, and predict the answer. Read the article and match the main idea with each paragraph. Spirit of climbers Achievements of climbers Facts and dangers Tips: To get the main idea, pay attention to the first or last sentence and key words. Para 1: Facts and Dangers Facts Dangers 1.One of the most dangerous and popular places for_____ is _____. 2. The Himalayas _____ the _____part of China. 3. Qomolangma rises the highest-- _____meters high, so is very _____to climb. 1._____cover the top. 2.Snow can _____very hard. 3._____weather conditions. 4.Heavy_____. 5.It’s very hard to _____air. mountain climbing the Himalayas run along southwestern 8,848.86 dangerous Thick clouds fall Freezing storms take in The Himalayas run along the _____ part of China. north south east west southeast northeast northwest southwest southwestern 先南北,后东西 Para 2: Achievements of Climbers Name Country Time Achievements Tenzing Norgay, Edmund Hilary Nepal, New Zealand On May 29,1953 The _____ people to_____. first reach the top A Chinese team China In 1960 The first Chinese team to reach the top. Junko Tabei Japan In 1975 The first_____ to_____. woman succeed 1953 – Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary were the first to reach the top. 1953年5月29日,新西兰登山家艾德蒙·希拉里和尼泊尔向导丹增·诺盖第一次从南坡登顶珠峰,完成了人类首次珠峰登顶,这一次成功登顶,使尼泊尔认为对珠峰有了完整的拥有权。 中国提出将珠峰一分为二,南面属尼泊尔,北面属中国。但尼泊尔却以“贵国从未爬上过北坡”为由,意图独占珠峰。 为了捍卫国家领土主权和民族尊严,1960年,在党和国家的大力支持下,肩负着全国人民的热切期盼,成立仅4年的中国登山队决定挑战这座世界最高峰,从被登山界认为是“死亡之路”,连飞鸟都无法飞过的北坡出发。 1960 – The first Chinese team reached the top. They reached the top of Qomolangma on May 25th,1960. This was the first time to the world’s highest pea ... ...

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