

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:39次 大小:615342Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年四川省成都外国语学校中考二模英语试题(原卷版) 满分:150分 时间:120分钟 注意事项: 1. 本场考试时间为120分钟。 2. 请按照番号顺序把所有答案填到答题卡上。选择题部分请用2B铅笔按顺序认真填涂到答题卡规定位置。笔试部分请用黑色签字笔按顺序填写到答题卡方框中的对应题号横线上。超出答题区域不得分。 3. 请保持答题卷卷面整洁,不要折叠、不要弄皱,禁用涂改液或涂改胶条。 Listening test (30 scores) I. Listen to five questions or sentences and choose the correct responses according to what you’ve heard. Each question or sentence will be read twice. (5 scores) 1. A. It’s my pleasure. B. What a shame! C. You’re welcome. 2. A. You’d better not. B. Off you go. C. Don’t mention it. 3. A. It doesn’t matter. B. Thank you. C. Congratulations. 4. A. Great idea! B. Yes, I do. C. Not really. 5. A. I’m sorry. B. Yes, please. C. Go ahead. Listen to 5 sentences and choose the right picture according to what you’ve heard. Each sentence will be read twice. A B C D E 6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____ III. Listen to ten short dialogues and answer the following questions. Each dialogue will be read twice. (10scores) 11. A. Staying at home. B. Doing sports. C. Going travelling. 12. A. In the hall. B. In the cafeteria. C. In the playground. 13. A. Rose. B. Jimmy. C. Rose’s mom. 14. A. At 5: 50 pm. B. At 6: 00 pm. C. At 8: 00 pm. 15. A. Friends. B. Police and thief. C. Strangers. 16. A. Water pollution. B. Air pollution. C. Noise pollution. 17. A. Three times a week. B. Hardly ever. C. Twice a week. 18. A. An assistant. B. A lawyer. C. A manager. 19. A. Cute and lively. B. Hard to understand. C. Fascinating. 20. A. Making plans ahead. B. Doing part-time jobs. C. Doing volunteer work. IV. Listen to a short passage and choose the correct answers to the questions. The passage will be read twice. (5 scores) 21. What is the meaning of Fu Bao’s name A. Lucky treasure. B. Top idol. C. Love and happiness. 22. How old was Fu Bao when she returned to China A. Two years old. B. Three years old. C. Four years old. 23. How many Pandas are there in Fu Bao’s family A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 24. Where will Fu Bao stay in China A. At the Everland park. B. At Chengdu Panda Base. C. At the Wolong Shenshuping Base. 25. What is special about Fu Bao A. She was the first panda brought to Korea. B. She will come back to China after 4 years old. C. She was the first panda born in Korea and raised successfully. Listen to a passage and complete the chart with proper words. The passage will be read three times. _____ in ancient China Names _____ Forms Chuiwan Song Dynasty ●Chuiwan was like modern golf. ●There were 2 groups and _____ players was 2-10 in each group. Cuju 2000 years ago ●The _____ of the ball were leather and rice bran (米糠) . ●There were some simitarities between the rules of Cuju and football. Archery (箭术) Western Zhou Dynasty ●Archery was important, so men _____ to shoot by teachers at the age of 15. ●Competitors bowed before shooting and drank together afte ... ...

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