
人教新目标七年级下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section B 2a-2c课件(共30张PPT)+教案+学案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:27738530Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 阅读课学案 姓名_____ 班级_____ 学习目标 1.To read and understand the passage about Lisa’s weekend. 2.To learn how to write about what you did last weekend. 学会独立思考、自觉先学 自主预习单词表里p71的新单词,先对子互相读,然后在小组内相互读,纠音读准确(组长将易错词展示在黑板上,如果是普遍发音问题,老师帮助) Thinking:What kinds of animals are people sometimes afraid of Why _____ 3.Prediction:Read the title and the picture. Predict what the passage is about. The general idea of the passage is about_____. A:a snake B:a relaxing weekend C:an unforgettable weekend 4.Read the passage quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph. Para1 A. a scary surprise Para2 B. The background of the story Para3 C. What interesting things we did Then, try to say out the structure(结构) of the passage. beginning, body, ending 5.Read the passage again and choose the right answers. ① What kind of article is it A. An ad. B. A story. C. A notice. ②The article develops with the_____. A. Time B. Place C. Feelings. 6.Read about Lisa’s weekend and tick (√) the right pictures. 7.通过预习2b 文章,你还有哪些疑惑?请写下来或用笔在书上标注出来。 _____ 学会合作学习、踊跃展示 1.小组内先讨论解决独学过程中的任务和问题,交流讲解,解决不了的做好标记,同时写在小黑板上,还可询问组内、组外其他同学。 2.展示:每组派出一名同学带上自己的预习单借助展示台展示预习成果,如有不确定的或者不会的,其他同学都可以主动解答、质疑或补充。老师会适时进行引导和解答。 3.组间合作深入探讨,师生合作答疑解惑 ①Read Para 1, answer the questions Where did they go _____ When did they go there _____ Why did they go there _____ How was the weekend _____ ②Read Para. 2 and answer the questions. Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend _____ What did Lisa's family do when they got to the countryside _____ What did they do on the first night _____ Why did Lisa go to sleep early _____ ③Read Para. 2 again and fill in the blanks. ④Read Para. 3 and answer the questions. What did Lisa and her sister see on Sunday morning _____ How did Lisa feel when she saw it _____ What did Lisa and her sister do _____ What did their parents do _____ Why did her dad do that _____ What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend _____ ⑤Read Para. 3 again and fill in the blanks. ⑥ 2c.Put the phrases in order according to the passage. 学会大胆质疑,自主命题 同学们:你还有什么疑问吗?请大胆质疑,其他同学大胆补充。大家可以使用“我质疑”、“我补充”开启咱们的探究之旅!还可以一起合作,根据本节课内容命制试题,加油! 例如:I was _____(surprise)_____(get) such a big _____(surprise) from my friends on my birthday. 四、学会总结归纳,灵活运用 1.What have you learned today in class or in group work And what problems do you still have (通过本节课,你在本课内容以及小组合作中收获了什么?你还有什么疑惑?) _____ 2.迁移运用: ①Retell the passage according to the pictures and key words. ②Discussion:What can we learn from these two diary entries _____ How to save ourselves when we meet scary animals ③Intewv ... ...

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