

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:47次 大小:370829Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Enjoy English, change yourself! 语法填空复习课5(动词)学习方案(学案) _____ 学校_____年级/班 姓名_____ 学习目标: 1.通过例题了解5种动词的语法考点。 2.学以致用:学会在语篇中运用以上考点解决并设置问题。 Before class 学会自主先学、独立思考 Read the passage quickly.Then choose the best answer. — Could I ride an electric bicycle to school, Mr. Li — No, you ___. Students under 16 aren't allowed to ride them. The song Calorie ___(sound) beautiful. I like it so much, but my mother ___(not like) it at all. —___ you think he ___ be back by dinner time — No,he ___ gone to his hometown. Tom ___ my book this morning. The plane is about to ___. I ___ a pen from my pocket. The teacher told us the moon ___ (travel) around the earth. It's six o'clock now, the Greens ___ (have) dinner. As the most exciting and traditional way to shop, street markets are __(find) here and there in China these days. When the earthquake __(happen), I__(talk) to some students. I need __(go)out for a while, because my watch is __(break),it needs __(repair). The girl __(call) Xi Xi is our Chinese teacher's daughter. Learning procedures 二.1.有效合作,总结方法,踊跃展示 1.Discuss the answers in groups and summarize the ways to get answers. Ways:_____ _____ 师生分享 Students show the ways then teacher adds. Exercises: Students do the exercises then identify each belongs to which type and what way to use. At this time yesterday, I___(take) a Chinese exam in the classroom. —Betty, do you know if Tony ___(come) to the party next week —I think he will come if he ___(have) time. Look! The robot __(move) around __(remind) people to wear masks. The new basketball team ____(call) Eagles. 三、学会大胆质疑、自主命题 1.仿照上面的出题方法,根据动词的五个考点命题(数目不限),同时分享命题思路。 我们小组自主命出以下题目。(中英文均可) _____ _____ _____ _____ 组间PK 丢炸弹 :指定任意小组做出自己小组所出题目,对方答对加两分,答错则自己组加两分。 答过题后继续叫下一组,以此类推。答对的题目不再继续,重复出题倒扣两分。 四、学会归纳总结、自我评价 通过本节课的学习,我获得以下动词语法填空的方法: _____ _____ _____ _____ 1(课件网) 语法填空中考英语阅读专项训练5(语法-动词)--学习目标: 1.通过例题了解5种动词的语法考点。 2.学以致用:学会在语篇中运用以上考点解决并设置问题。 Pre-class — Could I ride an electric bicycle to school, Mr. Li — No, you ___. Students under 16 aren't allowed to ride them. The song Calorie ___(sound) beautiful. I like it so much, but my mother ___(not like) it at all. —___ you think he ___ be back by dinner time — No,he ___ gone to his hometown. Tom ___ my book this morning. The plane is about to ___. I ___ a pen from my pocket. take out, take away,take off Answer: can’t; sounds, doesn’t like; Do, will, has Answer: took away; take off; take out Pre-class The teacher told us the moon ___ (travel) around the earth. It's six o'clock now, the Greens ___ (have) dinner. As the most exciting and traditional way to shop, street m ... ...

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