
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? Section B (1a-1d)课件 (共25张PPT)2023-2024学年人教版英语八年级下册

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:4777138Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教广东专版 八年级下 Section B (1a-1d) Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet Learning Objectives 1. To talk about singers and music. 2. To learn the words and expressions. country music rock music folk music pop music classical music rap light music I like pop music because it is exciting. I feel excited when I listen to it. I love rock music because it is really loud. I feel… What kind of music do you like How does it make you feel pop music (流行音乐) rock music (摇滚音乐) I like classical music (古典音乐) jazz (爵士乐) rap (说唱) … relaxed happy Because it makes me feel quiet comfortable calm … Free Talk Who’s your favorite singer or musician Why do you like him / her 1a Who is your favorite singer or musician Why do you like him or her Have you heard of this band Do you want to know more about this band This is the band called The Toms Pre-listening Look and say 1、What can you see in the picture Teenage boys 2、A group of people play together,we can called them a band 3、What kind of music do they play Maybe pop music or rock music. ____ The Toms must be popular. ____ The Toms play pop music. ____ The Toms’ music sounds more like rock. ____ Listening to The Toms is a good way to wake up. D D D A 1b Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave. Write A for Alex or D for Dave next to each opinion. choose the correct answer. 1. What's the name of the band A. The Toms B. The Lions C. The Tigers 2. Where are they from A. the United Kingdom B. the United States C. Canada 3. How many people in the band A.2 B. 6 C. 5 4. What kind of music do they play A. pop music B. rock music C. pop, but sounds more like rock Listening Why do Alex and Dave like to listen to this band Alex: I like their music because it's ____ and ____ ____ energy. I feel _____ when I listen to it. Dave: I think if I listen to their music every morning, it will ____ me____and make me _____ for the ____of the day. loud full of excited wake up happy rest Fill in the blank 充满力量 剩余的 唤醒我 1c Listen again and take notes. Band name Country Number of people in the band Kind of music the United States The Toms Pop, but sounds more like rock Five Why Alex and Dave like to listen to this band Alex: Dave: He thinks that listening to their music every morning will wake him up and make him happy for the rest of the day. Their music is loud and full of energy. He feels excited when he listens to their music. favorite Where what when how what name what kind where from when famous how many(CDs) how do you like How to talk about your favorite singer/band Tip : Mind map (思维导图)can help us to make our passage. After listening 1. What kind of music do you listen to 2. Why do you listen to it 3. How does it make you feel 1d Ask your friends and parents what kind of music they listen to and why. How does the music make them feel What kind of music Why do they listen to it How does it make them feel Friend 1 Friend ... ...

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