ID: 20293452

人教版(PEP)三年级上册专题:“have” 的用法(教学设计)

日期:2024-12-27 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:47次 大小:19147B 来源:二一课件通
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“have” 的用法小结 教学目标 知识目标: 1、掌握“have”的前三种用法。 2、了解“have”的第四种用法。 能力目标: 能够区分“have”的四种用法。 情感目标: 培养善于总结、归纳的意识。 教学重点: “have”的前三种用法及句型。 突破方法: 通过教师提问,让学生在头脑中对已有的知识点进行重新整理、归纳,进而形成模块化知识点。 教学难点: “have”的第四种用法。 突破方法: 通过图片提示思考共同点,突破难点。 教学过程设计: Step1: Lead-in T: Hello, everyone. Today we will learn the use of “have”. Now please look at the sentences and guess the meanings of “have” . 【设计意图】 提出疑问,激活学生已有的知识和思维,为学习新课做好铺垫。 Step 2: Presentation 图片展示 Zip: I have a pencil. Zoom: I have a ruler. Girl: I have two apples. T:The pencil is Zip’s. The ruler is Zoom’s. And The two apples are girl’s. Can you guess the meaning of “have” Good. I means own, possessing. 图片展示 Mum: Have some bread. Girl and boy: Have some eggs. T: What about the meaning of “have” here Sure. Have means eat. Eat some bread or eggs. 图片展示 Tom: Have some milk. Girl and boy: Have some juice. T: So have here means drink. Drink some milk. Drink some juice. 图片展示 Have a picnic: Look! Duck, pig and rabbit are having a picnic. They are so happy. Have a bath: The little boy is having a bath. He is playing with toys. Have a swim: The two children are swimming. They are having a race. Have a walk: The girl and her baby brother are walking. So sweet! T: So what does have mean here It means performing an action. 【设计意图】 通过图片对比学习,让学生重温“have”不同含义,形成知识模块。 Step3: Consolidation Let’s have a conclusion. 1、have=own, possessing 有,拥有 2、have=eat 吃 3、have=drink 喝 4、have=performing an action 从事,做某动作 Step4: Practice ( 有,拥有 喝 吃 从事,做某动作 ) ( have a swim have an apple have some water I have a book. ) 【设计意图】巩固学习成果。

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