ID: 20326607

Unit 1 Keeping Healthy lesson 3 Solve Healthy Problems 课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-12-15 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:92次 大小:22108666B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Keeping Healthy lesson 3 Solve Healthy Problems How to keep healthy Healthy lifestyle Eating Healthy Doing Exercise Good Habits (健康的生活方式) Good Habits Should Shouldn't go to bed early exercise every day drink milk every day wash hands before eating eat too much candy eat too much meat drink too much juice eat with dirty hands He has got a _____. He should _____. He shouldn’t _____. headache have a rest play on the computer a lot What’s wrong What should he do What shouldn’t he do She _____. She shouldn’t _____. She should _____. has got a toothache drink too much juice brush her teeth every day and drink a lot of water What’s wrong What should she do What shouldn’t she do He _____. He should _____. He shouldn’t _____. is tired have a rest play on the computer a lot What’s wrong What should he do What shouldn’t he do What’s wrong with Worried He has some health problems(健康问题). He wrote down his health problems and asked for help. Worried wrote a letter to his psychology teacher(心理老师), Linda. “ ——— ” What’s wrong ① ② ③ ① ② ③ Dear Worried, Two days later, Worried got the letter from Linda. What’s the main idea of this letter (Linda写这封信的主要目的是什么?) B What’s her advice “ ——— ” ① ② ③ Linda’s advice First, _____. Next, _____ _____. Finally, _____. you should exercise every day you shouldn’t play too much on the computer or watch too much TV you should go to bed before 9:30 Worried took Linda’s advice. He changed his lifestyle. Thank you, Linda. Read together Boys and girls, do you know how to give advice to others Can you give some advice to these children Tom often watches TV at night. He always feels tired in class. Now he has a headache. Problems First, you . Next, you . Finally, you . Advice: shouldn’t watch too much TV should go to bed early should exercise every day First, _____ . Next, _ . Finally, _____ . Jack likes to eat a lot of meat and he doesn't like vegetables.He also doesn't like sports.Now he is a little fat. Problems Advice: you should eat more fruit and vegetables you should exercise every day you shouldn’t eat too much meat Problems ① ② ③ Problems ① ② ③ Why I have some advice for you. First, you shouldn’t _____. Next, you should _____. Finally, _____. Advice: I have some advice for you. First, you should exercise every day. Next, you shouldn’t play too much on the computer. So turn off the computer at 9 pm. Try to walk more and help your mum do some housework. Finally, you should go to bed before 9:30. Try these things. I think you’ll soon feel better. Jack _____ _____ First, he should/shouldn’t _____ _____ Second, he should/shouldn’t _____ _____ Jack也有一些健康问题。请根据下面表格的信息,对Jack症状进行描述,并给他至少3点建议。 书面表达: 要求:语句通顺,逻辑合理,条理清晰,不少于5句。 Symptoms(症状) Reason(原因) a little fat doesn’t like sports toothache eats candy every day ... ...

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