

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:65次 大小:15590068Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    参考答案: 1.A 【原文】W: Dad, I’m going to my dance class at the health club. I’ll be back at around six o’clock. M: I see. Don’t forget to drink more water. 2.C 【原文】M: If you are tired, we can rest for a bit. W: Not at all. This mountain is not too high to climb. Let’s keep going. 3.B 【原文】M: Do you have the book called “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” W: Yes, it’s right here. It’s on sale. 4.B 【原文】W: Josh, can you help me with my English homework M: Sorry, Fiona. I’m busy with my history homework. 5.A 【原文】M: Lucy, you should take a break, even 10 minutes would be fine. W: No way. There is so much work to do. 6.B 7.A 【原文】W: Morning, Mr. Lin. What can I do for you M: Morning, I’d like to see Doctor Brown this week. I have a headache. W: Doctor Brown is not free on Monday. Is Tuesday OK for you M: Sorry, I have to look after my sick daughter in the hospital. What about Thursday W: Let me see...Great! Doctor Brown will have a meeting on Thursday afternoon, so you can come before 11 a.m. 8.C 9.C 【原文】W: Hello, Luke! Can I ask you something M: Yes, of course. What is it, Jean W: Well, it’s about my science homework. I have to hand it in tomorrow. And I only started it today. M: Oh, why W: Well, I was sick last week, remember And then I had a lot of other homework. I need more time. M: Talk to Mr. Woods then. Ask for more time. That’s my advice. 10.B 11.B 【原文】M: Jenny, are you going on holiday this summer W: Yes, I am going to Mexico and stay there for 6 weeks. M: That sounds great! What are you going to do there W: Well, it’s a working holiday. I’m going to teach children English at a school. It’s a volunteer program. What about you, Steve M: I’m going to Paris for two weeks. W: Are you going with your family M: No, I’m going with my best friend. We are going to a language school there to study French. W: That sounds like fun. Have a good trip! M: You, too! 12.A 13.A 14.B 【原文】M: Ariel, you look tired. Didn’t you get enough sleep last night W: No, Cliff. I went to bed at 1 a.m. M: That’s why you look so bad. So can you go to Sunshine School as we planned to help to call up students with me this evening W: Eh...when will you go M: Half an hour before the students finish their last class at 5:30 p.m. W: I’m afraid not. I have a headache today. M: OK, you’d better take a shower before going to bed. W: Sure. So will you make some notices, too M: Yes, I’ll make some this afternoon. Clean-Day is only five days from now. That’s next Wednesday. W: Great, Cliff. I have to say thanks to you. 15.B 16.C 17.A 【原文】M: Hi, Liz! Would you like to go to the music festival with Rachel and me on Sunday W: Yes, Tom. Are Chris and John going M: No, they are busy that day. W: OK, where shall we meet M: Well, we could meet at the bus station or at the park. W: The café near the park would be better for me. Is that OK M: Yes, that’s fine. W: What about the food M: Well, there will be sandwiches, bu ... ...

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