
Module 9 Life history Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.单词课课件(共16张PPT) 2023-2024学年外研版七年级英语下册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:94次 大小:4714080Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 9 Life history Unit 2 He decided to be an actor. play [ple ] poem ['p m] marry ['m r ] successful [s k'sesfl] work [w k] build [b ld] on fire ['fa ] die [da ] rich[r t ] language['l gw d ] around the world young [j ] n. 剧本; 戏剧 n.诗歌 v. 结婚 adj. 成功的 n. 作品; 著作 v. ( built ) 建造 prep. 在……河边 n.火; 火灾 v. 死; 去世 adj. 富有的 n. 语言 世界各地 adj. 年轻的 1. play [ple ]n. 剧本; 戏剧 复数plays 上演一部戏剧 写剧本 put on a play write plays 拓展 play v. 玩耍,演奏,播放,捉弄,参加比赛等意思。 play football踢足球 play the piano弹钢琴 2. poem ['p m] n.诗歌 复数poems I can’t understand the meaning of the poem. 我无法理解这首诗的意思。 拓展 poet意为”诗人”,可数名词,复数poets Du Fu is one of the famous poets. I like all of his poems. 杜甫是著名诗人之一,我喜欢他所有的诗。 3.marry ['m r ]v. 结婚 1)marry 是不及物动词,三单:marries ,过去式:married 10年前他们在英国结婚。 They married in England ten years ago. 2)marry 也可以做及物动词,marry A to B .把A 嫁给B. 去年她的爸爸把她嫁给了一个好男人。 Last year, her father married her to a good man . 3)be/ get married to sb, 与某人结婚 她嫁给了一个好男人。 She was/got married to a good man. 4.successful [s k'sesf l]adj. 成功的 successful 成功的 successfully(adv.) success (n.) succeed(v.) succeed in doing sth. have success in doing sth. eg :我们成功地解决了这个问题。(solve the problem) We succeeded in solving the problem. 1.We finished the work _____ . 2.I am sure we will _____ in the football next week. 3.Ma Yun is a _____ man. 4.What a great _____ . successfully succeed successful success 5.work [w k]n. 作品; 著作 work (n)表示作品; 著作时, 是个可数名词,works 这个著名的作家写了很多作品。 The famous writer wrote many works. 另外:work (n)表示工作时,表示工作的量, 是个不可数名词,work 我的爸爸每天都有很多工作 。 My father has lots of work every day. 6.build [b ld]v. ( built ) 建造 build-built Who built the Great Wall 谁修建了长城? 与build相关的词汇: building n.建筑物 拓展 build v.建造 builder n.建筑工人 Practise Look! Some _____ are working hard to _____ the tall _____. builders build building 7. fire ['fa ] n.火; 火灾 1. “火”,不可数名词 put out the fire 灭火 2. “火灾”,可数名词 A fire broke out near downtown last night. 昨晚市中心附近发生了火灾。 Most animals are afraid of fire. 大多数动物怕火。 8. die [da ]v. 死; 去世 die-died die属于短暂性动词,不能与表示时间段的状语连用。 他爷爷去世三年了。 His grandpa died for three years. His grandpa died three years ago. die of 死于... ... die from 死于... ... The old man _____ cancer. 那个老人死于癌症。 died of √ 用于指环境、事故等外部原因造成的死亡 用于指疾病、衰老等自身原因造成的死亡 拓展 1.dead adj.死的;失去生命的 2.death n.死;死亡 3.dying adj.垂死的;临终的 1. His father _____ last week. 2. She cried out after knowing his husband's _____. 3. He found a _____bird in the garden. 4. The _____ man was saved by a kind-hearted lady. died death dead dying 9. rich[r t ] adj. ... ...

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