
2024届高三下学期英语作文复习专项 读后续写 微技能:自然环境描写篇&动作神态描写之哭泣篇学案(含答案)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:57次 大小:14486Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【读后续写】微技能———自然环境描写篇&动作神态描写之哭泣篇 自然环境描写篇 01 词语及表达积累 1. 描述天气的名词fog, snow, rain, shower, storm, snowstorm, typhoon, hurricane … 2. 描述天气的形容词stormy, warm, hot, cold, rainy, windy, cloudy, foggy, clear, wet, changeable … 3. 描述自然环境的词块deep blue sky, warm sunshine, fresh air, high mountains, wide/deep valley, running/shallow stream, the green grass, the dark, raining evening … 02 句的积累: 1. For weeks we had cloudless blue skies. 2. A violent storm struck the whole village. 3. The moon was fuller than the night before. 4. A small stream flowed gently down into the valley. 5. The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. 03 牛刀小试———句子翻译 1. 随着夜幕的降临,风吹得我有点儿冷。(as引导时间状语从句) 头顶是一轮明月,成百上千颗星星在闪烁。(with复合结构) 3. 不远处是一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾。(非谓语动词作状语) 参考答案 1. As night fell, the wind made me a little cold. 2. There was a big moon overhead, with hundreds of stars shining. 3. Not far away was a small stream, rushing between the green banks. 动作神态描写之哭泣篇 01 词语及表达积累 cry v. cry for/over sb./sth. / cry with sth. n. have a good cry weep weep at/for/over/with sth. 02 句的积累: 1. Nina lay in bed, crying in pain. 2. The baby was crying for his mother. 3. My sister wept tears of disappointment. 4. Hearing the good news, he wept for joy. 5. The child began to cry loudly when he fell down. 03 牛刀小试———句子翻译 1. 听到父亲去世的消息,她痛哭流涕。①She had a good cry . (简单句) ② , she had a good cry. (非谓语动词作状语) 2. 小男孩躺在地上,哭着要那个玩具车。①The little boy lay on the ground . (and连接两个动作) ②The little boy lay on the ground, . (非谓语动词作状语) 3. 女孩儿太伤心了,一直在哭。①The girl was so sad . (so … that …)②The girl was very sad, . (非谓语动词作状语) 参考答案 1. ① at the news of her father’s death② Hearing the news of her father’s death 2① and cried for the toy car② crying for the toy car 3. ① that she kept weeping all the time② weeping all the time

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