

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:88次 大小:85968Byte 来源:二一课件通
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山西省晋中市昔阳县2024届九年级中考一模英语试卷 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、七选五 1.Classmates(3persons ) Gao Ming: @Li Dan @Wang Wei What will you do on the Earth Day Li Dan: Sorry. ①_____ Gao Ming: @Wang Wei What's your plan Wang Wei: ②_____ Gao Ming:@Wang Wei It's a good idea. I'd like to go with you. ③_____ Wang Wei: @Li Dan Is Sunday OK Li Dan: I'm afraid not. We'll have a math test next Monday We must prepare for it. Gao Ming: @Wang Wei④_____ Wang Wei: I think it's OK. We can study the next day. Gao Ming: @ Li Dan Where are we going to meet Li Dan: ⑤_____ Gao Ming:@Li Dan @Wang Wei Great! See you then. Li Dan: See you. Wang Wei: See you. A. I have no idea. B. We can meet at the gate of our school. C. How can we get there D. I think we can help clean the city park. E. When are we going there F. What about going there on Saturday G. I want to help my parents do housework. 二、完形填空 There was once a boy who was out playing in a field with his friends. As they were playing, the boy came across a stone that looked interesting. It wasn't as 1 as the other stones. It was a little bit sparkly(闪耀的). But it was still quite dirty. The boy picked up the stone and 2 to polish it. His friends 3 him for this. They said," Why are you polishing that dirty old stone It isn't worth anything at all!" But every day, when they went out to play, the boy would bring the stone with him, polishing it whenever they took 4 . This went on for some time. Then one day, the boy left his home to join his friends as usual. But this time, he had quite a 5 for them. When he showed them the stone, they were amazed. It was in fact, not an ordinary stone at all--it was a beautiful diamond(钻石). The boy stayed up all night, polishing it until it was 6 clean. There will be times in your life when people try to discourage you. They will tell you that you're wasting your time on some 7 tasks. But when they do this, the best thing you can do is ignore them and continue to work 8 your goal. You can turn a rough stone into a diamond if you have persistence(毅力) and courage. 2.A. bright B. special C. common 3.A. decided B. refused C. expected 4.A. shouted at B. laughed at C. pointed at 5.A. breaks B. notes C. photos 6.A. promise B. choice C. surprise 7.A. completely B. simply C. clearly 8.A. relaxing B. serious C. meaningless 9.A. against B. towards C. through 三、阅读理解 The movie Full River Red, directed by Zhang Yimou, came out on Jan.22, 2023 and topped China's box office in a short time. It was named after Yuc Fei's most famous poem, which tells a patriotic(爱国的) story of the Song Dynasty. As the place where the movie was filmed, Taiyuan Ancient County has attracted about 350.000 tourists during the Spring Festival holiday. If you would like to pay it a visit, the following information can help you. Taiyuan Ancient County lies in the Jinyuan District of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. It was first built in the Ming Dynasty, more than 600 year ... ...

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