
冀教版九年级上册Unit 3 Lesson 17 Staying Safe in an Earthquake课件(共18张PPT)+音频

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:28次 大小:3344250Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Safety Lesson 17 Staying Safe in an Earthquake Crust mantle Outer Core Inner Core There was an earthquake. Can you guess what happened lead in 1.What is an earthquake It is a sudden shaking of the ground. 2. Why does it happen Because there is a movement in the earth’s crust. 3. How is it Earthquakes are the most powerful events on the earth, and their results can be terrifying. It can cause many deaths and injuries. Language Tip Can you guess what the passage is mainly about The cause of an earthquake. How to protect yourself from the earthquake. How to stop an earthquake. lead in Things to do after the earthquake. How to keep safe during the earthquake. Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 A B Reading skills: 快速阅读,注意文章的标题、图片、每段的开头和结尾,抓出文章大意,注意结构。 Read the lesson fast and divide it into different parts according to the meaning. Reading tasks Listening and Reading A _____ person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement. If you refer to the _____ of a person or living thing, you mean that they live through a dangerous situation in which it was possible that they might die. An _____ is something that has a fixed shape or form, that you can touch or see, and that is not alive. A _____ is a set of devices (设备), for example a computer or an alarm. calm survival object system object n.物体,对象,目标 calm adj.沉静的,镇静的 survival n. 生存,存活,幸存 system n. 系统 New Words Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions. 2. Are there any things you can do to protect yourself Yes, there are. 1. What is the first thing you should do when an earthquake happens Stay calm protect …from (doing)…使…免于…; 防止…遭受… 我们应该尽力保护儿童免受危害. We should try our best to protect children from danger. stay calm=keep calm 保持镇静 Reading Tasks Read Paragraph 2,3 and complete the chart. Inside Dos _____ a table or a bed. Don’ts _____ near walls or windows. _____ the kitchen. Never _____ a lift. Outside Dos _____ an open area as fast as you can. _____ to a safe place if you are in a car. _____ from the buildings and trees. _____ from the water as possible if you are close to the sea. Get under Don’t stand Don’t stay in get into Get to Pull over Stay away Get as far away If you are in a car, pull over to a place where there are no trees or tall buildings and stay in the car. 如果你在车里,把车停到一个没有树和高建筑物的地方,并待在车里。 他把车开到路边停下。 He pulled the car over. pull over “把(车)停靠在路边” Language Points If you are close to the sea,try to get as far away from the water as possible. ① be close to “接近; 靠近; 濒临”。 ② as far as possible =as far as you can “尽可能......的” 如果你在海边,尽可能的远离水。 接近自然让她感觉愉快。 She feels good to be close to nature. 他以最快速度跑进了教室。 He ran into the classroom as fast as possible/ he could. Language Points After the earthquake _____ to an open area if you see ... ...

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