
(新课标) Unit 12 Section B 2a-2c 课件 (新目标英语七下 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:16次 大小:21002567Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) What did you do last weekend Section B 2a-2d 01 02 03 04 语言能力 思维品质 文化意识 学习策略 通过阅读文章“难忘的周末”综合理解一般过去时态的用法,了解外国学生周末的露营活动。 了解印度国家的文化,尤其了解人蛇之间的关系。 通过对文本深层含义的挖掘,培养学生逻辑性思维能力。 看标题和插图预测短文内容;略读寻找主旨大意;猜测解决文章中较多的词汇短语;寻读获取文章细节信息。 Review On Saturday On Sunday On Saturday morning On Sunday afternoon On Sunday night Sally Jim Retell put up tent put up a tent high school Main words scared wake up New words surprise moon jump India Main words forest ear What kinds of animals are people sometimes afraid of Why Make a list. crocodile ['kr k dail] 鳄鱼 lizard ['liz d]蜥蜴 2a spider cockroach bat mouse Have you ever seen them in your life Are you afraid of them Why caterpillar snake Did you have any special trips in your life Free Talk Lead-in Look at the picture and the title of the passage in 2b, can you guess what Lisa did on the weekend A weekend to remember special unusual unforgettable terrible exciting 2b Read about Lisa’s weekend. Tick (√) the right pictures. Fast Reading their air ride was short went camping in a small village made a fire to cook food √ √ shouted to their parents two tigers sleeping near the fire √ Read the passage quickly and fill in blanks. Lisa's weekend Who Where Feelings What When 2b _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Read the passage quickly and fill in blanks. Lisa's weekend Who Where Feelings my parents, my sister and I a small village in India interesting but scary What What did they do When last weekend went camping Read paragraph 2 and introduce Lisa’s camping trip. How did they spend their first camping day First, they _____. They _____ and made a fire to _____ and _____.On the first night, they just _____ and _____. put up their tents keep them warm sat down under the moon told each other stories took a long bus ride cook food on Day 1 Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions. when where feeling the next morning near the fire Lisa was so_____ that she couldn’t move. Lisa and her sister got a terrible _____. Accident: the snake lessons 1. Snakes don’t have _____ but can feel things _____. 2. It was important not to go _____ a lake. 1. Lisa and her sister _____ their parents 2. Dad started to_____ and down. 3. The snake woke up and it _____ the forest near the lake. shouted to jump up moved into scared surprise ears moving near what Activities Day 2 Read about Lisa’s weekend and answer the questions. 1. How was Lisa’s weekend 2. Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend 3. How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake 4. What did Lisa and her sister do 5. What did their parents do Why did they do that 6. What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend 2b How was Lisa’s weekend 2. Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend 3. How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake It was interesting but scary. They went to a smal ... ...

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