
unit4 We love animals 复习课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:61次 大小:7980893Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit4 we love animals Revision Liu lifeng 学习目标:1. 能听、说、认读以下单词。Duck ,dog, bear , pig , cat , bird, tiger , elephant ,panda , monkey, zoo. 2. 能正确听、说、读、写下列字母并知道其在单词中的发音。Jj, Kk, Ll , Mm, Nn 3. 能够在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用以下句型 What’s this/that? It’s a … Cool! I like it. 4. 培养学生热爱动物、保护动物的意识。 Let\'s sing第一关:语音清清分Speak out the letters you see as quickly as possible (快速说出你所看到的字母)Let’s chantJj Jj Jj , /d?/ /d?/ /d?/. Kk Kk Kk , /k/ /k/ /k/. Ll Ll Ll , /l/ /l/ /l/. Mm Mm Mm, /m/ /m/ /m/. Nn Nn Nn , /n/ /n/ /n/. 写出你所听到字母的大小写I can writeListen and circleI can choose第二关:单词消消乐catpigbearduckdog elephant birdpandamonkey tigerDog, dog, it’s a dog. Cat, cat, it’s a cat. Bear, bear, it’s a bear. Duck, duck, it’s a duck. Pig, pig, it’s a pig.Let\'s chant!Let\'s chant!Bird, bird, it’s a bird. Panda, panda, it’s a panda. Monkey, monkey, it’s a monkey. Tiger, tiger, it’s a tiger. Elephant, elephant, it’s an elephant.Let\'s chant!Let\'s chant!Read and number(读单词,给图片排顺序) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. duck 2. pig 3. cat 4. bear 5. dog 6. elephant 7. monkey 8. bird 9. tiger10. panda选出每组中不同类的单词 (?? )1. A. duck???? B. cat???? C. bag (?? )2. A. hand???? B. panda???? C. ear?? (?? )3. A. tiger???? B. elephant? C. zoo? (?? )4. A. pig???? B. red???? C. green?? (?? )5. A. bird???? B. book? ?? ? C. duck?? (?? )6. A. panda???B.orange???? C. brown (?? )7. A. cat???? B. dog???? C. bag?? (?? )8. A. black???? B. duck???? C. orangeCBCABACBwww.xkb1.com第三关:句子练练看eraserpencil boxrulerbooktigerpandapig B:Guess! A:It’s a/an _. I like it. A:What’s that?B:Thanks.elephantpractice in pairs What\'s this? What\'s this? It\'s a pig. It\'s a pig. What\'s this? What\'s this? It\'s a dog. It\'s a dog. What\'s this? What\'s this? It\'s a bear. It\'s a bear. What\'s this? What\'s this? It\'s a duck. It\'s a duck. What\'s this? What\'s this? It\'s a cat. It\'s a cat. What\'s that? What\'s that? It\'s a panda. It\'s a panda. What\'s that? What\'s that? It\'s a tiger. It\'s a tiger. What\'s that? What\'s that? It\'s a monkey. It\'s a monkey. What\'s that? What\'s that? It\'s an elephant. It\'s an elephant. What\'s that? What\'s that? It\'s a bird. It\'s a bird. 点拨: What’s this?询问较近的物体 1. What’s that?询问较远的物体 答语都是It’s a/an… 2. 表示喜爱用Cool! I like it.exercise1你要问一个物体时什么,你应该说: A What’s this? B What’s your name? C How are you?Awww.xkb1.comexercise2--What’s this? --_____. A Me, too. B It’s a bear. C This is JohnBwww.xkb1.com第四关:对话对对碰Listen and number问答配对( )1. What’s this ? A. cool ! I like it. ( )2. How are you? B. Good afternoon. ( ) 3. Look! I have a yellow duck. C.Ok! ( ) 4 . let’s go to school. D.Very well,thanks. ( ) 5. Good afternoon. E.It’s a panda.Summary Boys and girls .Today we reviewed the animal words and the sentences. You know that the animals are o ... ...

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