
中考英语 感叹句

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:32次 大小:48624Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考英语 感叹句 感叹句:用来表示喜怒哀乐的句子是感叹句。 感叹句末尾用感叹号! 感叹句常见结构 What What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 (+主+谓) ! What bad news ! 多糟糕的消息呀! What +a / an + 形容词 + 单数名词(+主+谓)! What a beautiful girl! 多美丽的一个女孩子啊! What + 形容词 + 复数名词 (+主+谓) ! What beautiful girls ! 多美丽的女孩子们啊! How How + 形容词 / 副词 (+主+谓) ! How tall he is ! 他好高呀! How + 主 + 谓! How time flies ! 时间过得真快啊! How + 形容词 + a / an +单数名词(+主+谓) ! How beautiful a girl! 多美丽的一个女孩子啊! 感叹句中常见的不可数名词如下: advice weather music news information 建议 天气 音乐 新闻 信息 做题技巧1 What a beautiful girl! 同类结构,引导词选What 例1:_____ exciting movie it is! A. What a B. What an C. What D. How 答案选B。Movie电影是可数名词单数,应该用冠词(冠词为a/an/the),所以排除CD。 Exciting令人兴奋的,以元音音素开头,用an,所以答案选B。What an exciting movie与What a beautiful girl结构一样。 做题技巧2 How a/an错误表达 例2:_____ fast he runs! A. What a B. How C. What D. How a 答案选B。根据How a/an为错误表达,排除D。去掉主谓,剩下副词fast,引导词为How,所以答案选B。(参考做题技巧四 ) 做题技巧3 名词为复数/不可数,引导词选What 例3:_____ beautiful music! A. What an B. How C. What D . What a 答案选C。名词music(音乐)不可数,所以引导词选What。 做题技巧4 去掉主谓(谓语就是动词),剩下形容词/副词,那么引导词为How 例4:_____ clever the boy is! A.How B.What C.What a 答案选A。去掉主谓,剩下形容词clever,引导词为How。 单项选择题。 选择适当的选项,并说出下列感叹句的结构。 (2022重庆A卷) _____ a fresh spring morning it is! A. Who B. Why C. What (2022海南) — _____ beautiful poem Happy Rain on a Spring Night is! —So it is! Du Fu showed his care for farmers in the poem. A. How B. What a C. What (2022昆明) —Shenzhou XIV carried three Chinese astronauts into space successfully. —Wow, _____ exciting news! We are so proud. A. what B. what a C. what an (2022郴州) —Look! Jeff is helping a blind man cross the road. —_____ helpful he is! We should learn from him. How B. What C. What a (2022宿迁)_____ clever girl Kitty is! She can come up with some creative ways to finish the project. A What B. How a C. What a (2022镇江)What a _____ day! Luckily, I bring an umbrella to protect myself from the sunlight and heat. A. windy B. rainy C. sunny (2022广元)—Have you watched Wang Yaping’s science lecture (讲座) from China’s space station —Yes. _____ interesting it is! A. How B. How a C. What (2022贵港)—_____ wonderful the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics is! — So it is. A. How a B. How C. What a (2022黔东南) —_____ crowded Zhenyuan was during holidays! —Luckily, to solve the problem, the government has provided visitors with a lot of parking convenience since three years ago. What B. How C. How a (2022铜仁)—Maria, we will graduate in a week. —_____! We should keep in touch. A. How time fly B. What time fly C. How time flies (2022龙东)—It has been rainy for a week. —_____ terrible weather it is! A. How ... ...

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