
Module 8 Accidents基础知识背默过关小页(含答案)2023-2024学年外研版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-09-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:65次 大小:56149Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared. 核心单词1. pale 2. appear 3. round 4. corner 5. hit 6. glad 7. risk 8. attention 9. side 单词变形1. inside 2. disappear 核心短语1. in time 2. fall off 3. pay attention 4. round the corner 5. side by side 6. cross the road 7. the risk of… 8. ride one's bike 重点句型1. on his mobile phone 2. While; were changingModule 8 Accidents Unit 1 While the lights were changing to red,a car suddenly appeared. 1. _____adj. (肤色)苍白的    2. _____v. 出现 3. _____prep. 转到(某物的)另一边 4. _____n. 拐角;街角 5. _____v. (使)碰撞 6. _____adj. 高兴的 7. _____n. 危险;风险 8. _____n. 注意力 9. _____n. (物体或形状的)侧面 1. in+side→_____(合成词,在里面) 2. appear→_____(反义词,消失) 1. _____及时 2. _____从……跌落 3. _____注意 4. _____在拐角处 5. _____肩并肩地 6. _____过马路 7. _____……的风险 8. _____骑自行车 1. And the driver was talking _____ _____ _____ _____. 并且司机正在用他的手机打电话。 2. _____ the lights _____ _____ to red,a car suddenly appeared round the corner. 当交通灯变红时,一辆小汽车突然出现在拐角处。Unit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again. 核心单词1. bite 2. climb 3. hide 4. throw 5. fridge 6. pain 7. worse 8. medicine 单词变形1. bit 2. hid 3. worse; badly 核心短语1. pick up 2. take photos 3. take out 4. on one's way back home 重点句型1. hurried to 2. were checking; got worse 3. As soon as 4. as you knowUnit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again. 1. _____v. 咬 2. _____v. 爬;攀爬 3. _____v. 躲藏 4. _____v. 扔 5. _____n. 冰箱 6. _____n. 疼痛 7. _____adj. 更糟的 adv. 更糟;更严重 8. _____n. 药;药物 1. bite→_____(过去式) 2. hide→_____(过去式) 3. bad→_____(比较级)→_____(副词) 1. _____捡起 2. _____拍照 3. _____拿出 4. _____在某人回家的路上 1. He _____ _____ hospital. 他匆忙去了医院。 2. As the doctors _____ _____ him, the pain _____ _____. 当医生们给他做检查时,疼痛变得更厉害了。 3. _____ _____ _____ they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine…他们一知道是哪种蛇咬的亨利,就给他用了正确的药…… 4. But _____ _____ _____,the snake won't smile!但是如你所知,蛇是不会笑的!Unit 3 Language in use 1. _____一点儿 2. _____起飞;脱下 3. _____做决定 4. _____保持镇静 1. After the two accidents,he _____ _____ take my advice. 这两次事故之后,他许诺要接纳我的建议。 2. The pilot,Chesley Sullenberger,had to _____ a quick _____ to avoid a terrible disaster. 为了避免一场可怕的灾难,飞行员切斯利·萨伦伯格必须迅速做出决定。 3. _____ _____, he was not looking where he was going. 像平常一样,他没看他要去哪里。Unit 3 Language in use 核心短语1. a bit 2. take off 3. make a decision 4. keep calm 重点句型1. promised to 2. make; decision 3. As usual ... ...

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