

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:32次 大小:11755095Byte 来源:二一课件通
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{#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} {#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} {#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} {#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} {#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} {#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} {#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} {#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} {#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} {#{QQABKYyQ5wgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#} 参考答案 阅读:21-23 BDC 24-27 CBDC 28-31 ABBD 32-35 CBBC 七选五:36-40 CFDEA 完形填空:41-45 DBCAB 46-50 CACDB 51-55 DDCAB 语法填空 56. has adopted 57. itself 58. typically 59. decoration 60. with 61. that 62. artists 63. an 64. made 65. enjoying 应用文写作 Dear Michael, An online course entitled "Festive China" will be set up by our school. Knowing you are an enthusiast of Chinese culture, I'm writing to recommend it to you. The course is arranged on every Friday evening from September 1, consisting of 12 two-hour sessions, each of which introduces different Chinese festivals. You may learn origins, backgrounds and customs of them. If you desire to participate in it, you can visit our school website and enroll yourself before next Friday. I'm sure the course appeals to you. Don't miss the chance! Yours, Li Hua 读后续写 But as the class progressed, something unexpected happened. Brad didn't just sit there quietly, he actively participated in the lesson. He listened intently, raised his hand to answer questions, and even asked questions himself. Bradley couldn't help but notice the surprised looks on his teacher's face and the nods of approval. As the day went on, it became clear to Bradlley that his dad's intention was not to embarrass him but to teach him a valuable lesson. After school, Bradley hesitantly approached his dad with newfound appreciation. "Thanks, Dad, "he said quietly." I didn't realize you were trying to teach me something important. I know the importance of taking education seriously and respecting my teachers. I realize my attitude is not only affecting my own learning but also disrupting the learning environment for others. " Bradley's dad put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I love you, son. Sometimes we need to learn things in a hard way, but I'm always here for you." {#{QQABKYy5QwgwgCiwgkAIZIIACADBh4CaRQ0wnnGSCUEoMQQskIEASELCACoAOoBORhAAAAOEAIARACACyZRFIABBAAA==}#}}#}

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