
Unit 5 My clothes B部分同步课时练(含答案)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:43次 大小:1416837Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 5 B部分同步课时练 根据不同的天气状况选择最合适的衣物。 shorts sweater shirt gloves jacket It is sunny today, but it is not hot. It’s 22 degrees. It is a warm day. I can put on my _____. It is sunny and very hot today. I can eat an ice cream. I can put on my _____. It is cloudy and cool today, but there is no wind outside. It is 18 degrees. I can put on my _____. It is cool today. Ant the wind is strong outside. It is 18 degrees. I can put on my _____. It is snowy and very cold outside. I can wear my _____. 阅读短文,给下列图片排序。 Look! This is my hat. It’s yellow. This is my mother’s coat. It;s blue and yellow. These are my shoes. They are black. That is my father’s shirt. It’s white. These are my mother’s pants. They are blue. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 教室的桌子上有几件衣物,请你寻找它的主人。 Clothes white blue Owner(主人) Mike’s John’s Chen Jie’s Miss White’s Wu Binbin’s -- Whose cap _____ -- It’s Mike’s. -- _____ -- It is John’s. -- _____ -- They are Chen Jie’s. -- _____ -- It’s Miss White’s. -- _____ -- It’s Wu Binbin. 从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。 Mum: Tom! _____ Tom: OK! _____ Mum: They are your father’s. Tom: _____ Mum: It’s mine. It’s yellow, my favourite colour. Tom: I like yellow, too. _____ Mum: No, you can’t. (Tom puts the coat on.) Tom: Look! Mum: Oh, it’s too big. _____ 选择恰当的单词补全对话。 me my mine you your yours Mike: A hat! Hi, John! Is this _____ John: No, it’s not _____ hat. My hat is in my room. Mike: What about those socks Are those _____ socks John: Yes, they are _____. Can _____ help _____ put them away Mike: OK. Let me help you. John: Thank you. 六、阅读短文,回答问题。 It’s Sunday today. Sarah goes to the clothes shop with her friends. Sarah wants to buy a new hat. Her hat is too small for her. Amy likes pink. She wants to buy a pink coat. Lisa wants to buy a sweater. Tony wants to buy pants. Look! Pants are over there. Mark wants to buy shoes. These shoes are nice. He buys them. Where does Sarah go today _____ How is Sarah’s old hat _____ What colour does Amy like _____ What does Lisa want to buy _____ Who buys the shoes _____ 七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Hi! I’m Mike. I have a white T-shirt and blue shorts. I like them. My friend John has blue pants. He also has a white T-shirt. He likes it, too. My friend Zhang Peng has a blue T-shirt and a red sweater. He likes them. But I don’t like the red sweater. ( )1. Whose red sweater is this A. Mike’s. B. John’s. C. Zhang Peng’s. ( )2. John likes his _____ T-shirt. blue B. white C. red ( )3. The _____ is/are John’s. A. red T-shirt B. blue pants C. white sweater ( )4. Mike doesn’t like _____. the white T-shirt B. the blue shorts C. the red sweater ( )5. What colour are Mike’s shorts A. Blue. B. White. C. Red 答案: 1. shirt 2. shorts 3. jacket 4. sweater 5. gloves 2 5 4 1 3 1. is this 2. Whose white shirt is this 3. Whose shoes are these 4. Whose coat is this 5. Whose blue shirt ... ...

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