
Module 3 Unit 6 Early years of Deng Jiaxian第三课时课件(共32张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-06-17 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:41次 大小:12199372Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Please get things ready! 请备好学习用品! Notebook Textbook Pens Module 3 Famous people Unit 6 Early years of Deng Jiaxian (Period 3) 备课团队:新英豪中英文学校六年级英语组 主讲老师:张剑如 本课学习目标 1.能复述课文内容。 2.能听懂、读懂名人的相关信息。 3.能运用本课知识描述名人。 Let’s recall Deng Jiaxian was a great _____. He is often called _____. He helped China _____. Deng was born in _____ in 1924. As a child he loved to _____ and wanted to be _____ like his father, a famous _____. But his dad wanted Deng to study science to help China _____. Deng studied hard and went to _____. After _____ his university study in 1945, he _____ at several middle schools and later at Beijing University. In 1948 Deng went to _____ to study for _____ in physics. The clever young man worked hard and did it _____. He was _____ person in his class, so they called him the “_____”. scientist the father of Chinese atomic science to become a stronger and safer country Anhui Province study a teacher professor become a modern country university finishing taught physics the United States a doctor’s degree in only two years the youngest Baby Doctor Sun Yatsen Xian Xinghai Deng Jiaxian Qi Baishi Listen and choose He is a very famous and important person in Chinese history. He was a great leader. He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better. Sun Yatsen Sun Yatsen Xian Xinghai Deng Jiaxian Qi Baishi Listen and choose He was a great Chinese scientist. He was born in 1924. He helped China to become a stronger and safer country. He is often called the father of Chinese atomic science. He died in 1986. Deng Jiaxian Sun Yatsen Xian Xinghai Deng Jiaxian Qi Baishi Listen and choose He was a great musician. He was born in 1905. He wrote the great music The Yellow River. He died in 1945. He was a Chinese painter. He was born in 1864. He was good at drawing flowers and animals. He died in 1957. Qi Baishi J.K. Rowling Charlie Chaplin Thomas Edison Mozart Listen and choose He was a great musician. He was born in 1905. He wrote the great music The Yellow River. He died in 1945. He was an English actor. He was born in 1889. He made many funny movies. He died in 1977. Charlie Chaplin J.K. Rowling Charlie Chaplin Thomas Edison Mozart Listen and choose He was a great musician. He was born in 1905. He wrote the great music The Yellow River. He died in 1945. He was an inventor. He was born in America, in 1847. He invented the light bulb. He died in 1931. Thomas Edison Qian Xuesen Song Qingling William Shakespeare Isaac Newton Leonardo Da Vinci Beethoven Look and say Famous person Year of birth - death Occupation (职业) musician 1911 - 2009 scientist 1564 - 1616 writer 1452 - 1519 painter 1892 - 1981 leader 1770 - 1827 1642 - 1727 scientist Qian Xuesen Song Qingling Beethoven William Shakespeare Isaac Newton Leonardo Da Vinci 听录音,仿照例子填写信息。 Listen and write P34 Ex. 1 J.K. Rowling 1. Where and wh ... ...

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