
外研七下Module11 Body language Unit 1课件(希沃版+实验PPT版)

日期:2024-07-05 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:89次 大小:50843356Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 11 Body Language Unit 1 They touch noses 触碰鼻子 肢体语言 Warming-up Germany n. 德国 Japan n. 日本 Russia n. 俄国 s visit v. 参观 nod one's head Indian adj. 印度的 Let's get to know some countries! Which country is it Britain 英国 America 美国 China 中国 India 印度 New Zealand 新西兰 Japan 日本 Russia 俄国 n. adj. s s s s s shake hands and smile hug each other kiss bow touch noses What do they do to say hello nod head put hands together shake hands and smile sometimes nod our heads China People usually kiss three times, left, right, left Russia Some people shake hands the US Some kiss or hug India People put their hands together and nod their heads Maori people touch noses New Zealand bow to say “Thank you!” and “Goodbye!” Japan 3 1 2 1,2,3 1 3 2 Lingling is going to welcome some Russian teachers. What should she do Listen and read. Then task T or F: 1.Some Japanese teachers will visit Lingling's school. 2.Lingling knows Russian people usually kiss each other when they meet. 3.People in different countries do different things when they meet. 4.Indian people shake hands when they meet visitors. 5.Maori people touch noses when they meet visitors. F F T F T 俄语老师 通常亲吻三次 微笑握手 会客 有时候 点头 different+名(复) 亲吻或拥抱 kiss or hug each other India together Russia touch visitors C B C C C Germany Japanese visitors British to show touch nodding has kissed hands Thank YOU

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