
人教版七年级下册Unit9 What does he look like?考点单词讲解练习

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:13次 大小:21867Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 What does he look like 一、单词扩展 high--名词height n. 高度;高;高处;处于顶峰 build-名词building n. 建筑(物);楼房 glass--名词复数glasses n. 眼镜;玻璃杯; late--副词&形容词later adv. 较晚地;后来;adj. 后来的;晚年的 act--名词actor/actress n. 演员/女演员 sing--名词singer n. 歌手;歌唱家 art--名词artist n. 艺术家;艺人;高手 crime-名词&形容词criminal n.罪犯;adj.犯罪的;刑法的;不道德的 different--名词difference n. 差别;变化--副词differently adv. 不同地 real--副词really adv. 事实上,的确;--名词reality n. 现实;事实 二、短语 wear glasses 戴眼镜 first of all=at first=firstly 首先 want to do sth. 想要做某事 tell sb to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 a glass of water 一杯水 two glasses of water 两杯水 draw a picture of 画一幅...的画 not always 不总是 every+n.单数 每一个... each+n.单数 每一个... each of+n.复数+V.三单 another+n.单数 in different ways 用不同的方法 a pair of big eyes一双大眼睛 look/taste/sound+adj. 看起来/尝起来/听起来... 三、句型 1.I may be a little late.我或许要晚一会儿。 2. He isn’t tall or short.他个头既不髙也不矮。 3.—What does he look like 他长什么样?—He's really tall.他长得确实高。 4—What does she look like 她长什么样?—She has long straight hair. 她留着长直发。 5.—What do they look like 他们长什么样?—They’re of medium build.他们中等身材。 6.—Do they have straight or curly hair 他们留有直发还是卷发?—They have curly hair.他们留有卷发。 四、考点单词讲解 1、straight adj.直的 2、 height n.身高;高度 3、 heavy adj.重的 4、 little adj.(less,least)小的 5、 glasses (pl.)n.眼镜 6、later adv.以后 7、person n.人=personal adj.个人的 8、face n.脸生v.面对;面临 讲解版 1、straight adj.直的 Straigh adv 笔直地 2、 height n.身高;高度 at a height of...在...的高度 (be) of medium height 中等身高 3、 heavy adj.重的→heavily 重地 a heavy rain/snow一场大雨/雪 4、 little adj.(less,least)小的 a little一点;少量 not a little不少,很多 little by little一点点地,逐渐地 quite a little 很多 5、 glasses (pl.)n.眼镜 成对出现的名词一般以复数形式出现 6、later adv.以后 later on后来 See you later.一会儿见。 7、person n.人=personal adj.个人的 person意为“人”时,着重个人,作可数名词,常指有个性的、特定的人,其复数形式是persons people意为“人们”时,着重全体,作集合名词,表复数概念 8、face n.脸生v.面对;面临 face to face 面对面 练习 单项选择 1.An _____ can use his drawings to tell us about beautiful mountains, the blue sea and many other things. A.actor B.actress C.artist D.doctor 2.We can put the story _____ newspapers and _____ television. A.in; on B.on; in C.in; in D.on; on 3.—Can you _____ Mary to me —Yes, she is of medium height with short hair. A.learn B.write C.describe D.fight 4.I don’t like the pen. Please show me _____ one. A.the other B.other C.another D.others 5._____, she goes to watch the new movie with her friend. A.At the end B.At the end of C.In the end D.In the end of 6.His brother is very _____ and he is 1.90 meters. A.tall B.high C.short D.long 7.You ar ... ...

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