
期末阅读理解专项练习 (含答案)2023-2024学年人教版八年级英语下册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:113995Byte 来源:二一课件通
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初中英语八年级下册 阅读理解专项练习1附答案及原文翻译(共10篇) 一 Are you really trying hard Every evening, after returning home from school, you play with your phone for a few minutes, quickly turning into a few hours. When you finally try to finish your homework, you can only write a few words before you feel bored and tired. To stop from feeling sleepy, you decide to play a video game—just a few rounds (轮), to refresh your mind so you can start working again. But when you check the clock, it’s already the early hours of morning. Then you realize there’s no time left. So you hold your pen and get to work complaining (抱怨) there isn’t enough time to finish your task, and at the same time accepting praises (赞扬) from your classmates saying that you’re hard-working. You tell yourself you stay up late because you are a hard worker, never admitting (承认) that the only person you’re fooling is yourself. This somehow offers you a sense of achievement. However, you will soon start to feel ashamed, because you find that you’re achieving little, even though you feel busy every day and that all your time is spent imagining a beautiful future, without actually doing what’s needed to make that dream reality. In your mind, you work harder than anyone else, but your results show this to be a lie. So please, have rethink. Let’s stop lying. Are you really trying hard, or are you hardly trying 1.The most possible readers of this passage are _____. A.workers B.gamers C.teachers D.students 2.According to the writer, the correct order of your activities after school is _____. ①playing video games ② feeling bored and tired ③playing with your phone ④complaining about time A.①②③④ B.③①④② C.③②①④ D.②①④③ 3.The reason why you like putting off your homework till late at night is that _____. A.it is easier for you to achieve your dream B.you will hear many sweet words from others C.working at night helps to save a lot of time D.you can have more time to refresh your mind 4.The underlined word “this” in Para. 5 refers to _____. A.your dream B.your future C.your achievement D.your hard work 5.The writer’s purpose of writing the passage is to _____. A.remind us to stop fooling ourselves B.tell us the bad results of telling lies C.explain why some people work late at night D.teach us how to make our dream a reality 二 Don’t let your kids drag their feet over doing chores. Help them to make the boring chores enjoyable. Work as a team. A simple and great way to make cleaning great fun is to do it together. If everyone shares a part, it will be much easier. Play some games while you are doing chores. You can also compete with each other to do the cleaning faster. Turn “kitchen time” into a party. Let one child be a cook and another be a DJ. The cook chooses what to make for dinner. The DJ chooses to play some music. Everyone can dance in the kitchen while preparing dinner or cleaning up the kitchen. Give some prizes. O ... ...

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