
Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A 1a~2d单词、短语、句子默写 (含答案)2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:29次 大小:23081Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 What does he look like 默写1 Section A 1a~2d 一、默写下列单词。 1. 直的adj. 2. 高的adj. 3. 身高;高度n. 4. 瘦的adj. 5. 重的adj. 6. 以后adv. 7.(在)今晚;(在)今夜adv.&n. 8. 小的adj. 9. 电影院n. 10. 眼镜(pl.)n. 11. “中等的adj. 12. 卷曲的 adj. 二、默写下列短语。 1.中等身高 2.一点;少量 3. 长直发 44.看起来像 三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1.“那是你的朋友吗 ” “不,不是。” — your friend ———No, it . 2.“你的朋友长什么样 ” “她中等身高,并且她留着长直发。” — your friend — She's , and she has 3.今晚你要去电影院吗 Are you the movie tonight 4.我可能会晚一点。 I a little late. 默写巩固 >> 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1. — What does your sister look like — She is very tall with long s hair. 2. My English teacher is of m height. 3. — Is your brother thin — No. He is very h . 4. Let's go to the c and see the new movie tomorrow evening. 5. — I'm busy this afternoon but free t . —OK. Let's go to the movie at 7:00 this evening. 默写 2 Section A Grammar Focus~3d 一、默写下列单词。 1. 英俊的adj. 2. 演员n. 3. 女演员n. 4. 人n. 5. 直的adj. 6. 高的adj. 7. 身高;高度n. 8. 瘦的adj. 9. 重的adj. 二、默写下列短语。 1.中等身高 2. 卷发 3.长直发 4.看起来像 5.你最喜欢的男演员 6.这个人 三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1.他长什么样 he like 2.他们留着直发还是卷发 Do they curly hair 3.他不高也不矮。 He isn't tall short. 4.他中等身高。 He's height 5.他高还是矮 he tall short 6.他的确帅气。 He really . 7.他瘦,并且他留着黑发。 He , and he black hair. 默写巩固 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空。 1. My mother has long s hair, but my father has curly hair. 2. Mike is really t , about 1.85 meters. 3. — My favorite a is Zhang Ziyi. Her movies are great. — I like her, too. 4. The girl isn't heavy. She is very t . 5. — Who is that (人) in the room — He is my brother Jack. 6. My brother is (英俊的), but a little lazy. 默写3 Section B 1a~2c 一、默写下列单词。 1. 鼻子n. 2. 嘴n. 3. 圆形的adj. 4. 脸n. 5. 眼睛n. 6. 歌手n. 7. 艺术家n. 8. 放v. 9. 每个;各自adj.& pron. 10. 方式;路线n. 11. 描述 v. 12. 不同地adv. 13. 另一;又一 adj.&pron. 14. 结尾;尽头n. 15. 真正的;真实的adj. 16. ·犯罪活动n. 17. *(头发)金黄色的 adj. 18. 罪犯n. 二、默写下列短语。 1.大鼻子 2.小嘴巴 3. 金发 4.戴眼镜 5. 最后 6.警察绘画师 7.同样的方式 8. 画一张……的画像 9.长长的棕色直发 10.金色的卷发 三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1.他又高又瘦。 He's and . 2.我喜欢那个留着金色长发的女士。 I like that woman hair. 3.他留着短短的棕色卷发。 He has hair. 4.他们告诉他罪犯长什么样。 They tell him the criminal . 5.为了找到他,警察把它放到报纸上和电视上。 The police put it newspapers and on television him. 默写巩固 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1. I like painting, and I want to be an a . 2. This cake is very delicious. Can you give me a one 3. Open your m and say“Ah”. 4. Reading in the sun is bad for your e . 5. — Can you d what the criminal looks like — Yes, of course. 参考答案 默写1 Section A 1a~2d 一、 略 二、1. (be) of medium height 2. a little 3. long straight hair 4. look like 三、 1. Is that; isn't 2. What does; look like; of ... ...

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