
2024年中考高频考点专训(三)(含答案)- 2023-2024学年人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:25050Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考高频考点专训(三) 专项———选词填空专练 A [跨学科综合题][2023·成都中考改编] 主题语境:人与自然 话题:植物科学 actually, advantage, chance, child,difficulty, differently, few, hear, many,possibility, silent, tell Do you believe a rose plant says “I want some water” or a tree shouts “My arms hurt” Maybe you will say this could only happen in some 1._____ stories. In fact, plants are not always 2._____ . A recent study has found plants shout when they are in need of water or having their stems cut. “Even in a quiet field, there are 3._____ some sounds that carry information. However, the pitch(音高)is too high for people 4._____ ,” said Lilach Hadany, a professor from Tel Aviv University. The researchers used microphones to record some tomato plants and found that stressed plants send out 5._____ sounds than unstressed plants. “When tomatoes are not stressed at all, they are very quiet,” Professor Hadany said. They also trained a machine in 6._____ the differences between thirsty plants and cut plants. The result shows that when the causes of stress change, they shout 7._____ . After the team recorded many kinds of other plants, they found that many plants like corn, wheat and grape plants send out sounds when they are under stress, too. “There is a 8. _____ that a lot of communication is happening,” Professor Hadany said. “Because other plants can probably hear the call of the stressed plants.” Sound recordings of plants could bring humans lots of 9._____ , especially in farming. For example, people will make sure whether corn is getting enough water or where water is needed most without much 10._____ . B [跨学科综合题][2023·江西中考改编] 主题语境:人与社会 话题:中华故事 enter, steal, what, another, laugh, how, visitor,impolite, other, height, wise, environment Many years ago, there were many states in China. The State of Qi used to be very strong, but it became less powerful. Yan Zi was a 1._____ adviser, so the king of Qi sent him to ask Chu to support each other. The king of Chu knew Yan Zi was very short. He tried to make Yan Zi feel shy about his 2._____ . When Yan Zi arrived, the guard told him 3._____ through the small gate. Yan Zi didn’t get angry. “Only a state of dogs will greet 4. _____ with a gate for dogs. I’m visiting the State of Chu. This gate isn’t for me, ”Yan Zi said. So the guard had to take him through the main gate. The king of Chu was unhappy at 5._____ Yan Zi did. “Why did Qi send YOU Don’t they have anyone better ” the king tried 6._____ way. “If Qi meets a great king, it’ll send the best ambassador( 使臣). I’m the worst. That’s why I’m here,” Yan Zi replied calmly(镇定地). At this time, the guards brought a thief(小偷)to the king. The thief was from Qi. “Ha! Yan Zi, is Qi a state of thieves ” asked the king 7._____ . Yan Zi replied, “The orange trees south of Huai River produce big and delicious fruit, while the orange trees north of Huai River produce small and sour fruit. ... ...

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