
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B 3a-Self Check课件(共69张PPT) 2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:28次 大小:11363984Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Jack's favorite story is Three Little Ducks. 杰克最喜欢的故事是三只小鸭子。 Her grandpa tells two stories every Weekend. 每个周末她的爷爷都会讲两个故事。 Language points 1.story 故 事 → stories (复数) 词组: write stories 写故事 tell stories 讲故事 2.speak、tell、say、talk 的区别用法。 1) speak 说(某种语言) ; 说 话 speak English 说英语 speak French 说法语 Mr.Smith can speak Chinese well. 史密斯先生说汉语说得很好。 2)tell 讲述;告诉 Can your grandma tell stories 你奶奶会讲故事吗 我们去告诉老师吧。 Tell Eric to bring his basketball to school. 告诉埃里克把他的篮球带到学校来。 tell sb.告诉某人; tell sb.to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 Let's go and tell our teacher. Mr.Lin says“I'm your new teacher. 99 林老师说,“我是你们的新老师。” “I don’t know.” Linda say. 琳达说: “我不知道。” 3)say 说(强调所说的内容,常跟一句子) 语言交流) talk to sb. 与某人说话 talk with sb.与某人交谈 You can talk to Mr.Black. 你可以和布莱克先生谈一下。 Mary is talking with Jenny. 玛丽正在和詹妮谈一下。 说话;交谈(强调与他人进行 4)talk talk 交谈 (n.&v.) talk to/with sb; have a talk;演讲 (n.) give a talk tell 告诉 tell sb about sth; tell sb to do sth 讲故事 tell a story;说谎 tell a lie speak 讲(哪种语言);说speak to sb say 说 (, “……”) 1.Can you speak Chinese or English go.I want lalk/speakto you. see you”,the girsays 4.My mother tells me to run every day. 5.Please tell me about your school life. 6.speak English= say it in English 7.She is good at tellingstories. 2.Don't 3.“I can school show 校园演出 talent show 才艺表演 We want students for the school show. 我们需要学生参加我们的校园演出。 名词 演出;节目 动词 给……看;展示 3.show show me your ruler =show your ruler to me show you a photo =show a photo to you show us two books =show two books to us show them an egg =show an egg to them school show clothes show talk show show sb sth =show sth to sb 把某物给某人看 学校公演 时装表演 脱口秀 4.and 和 or 的用法辨析。 1)and 和、且(用于肯定句中) Tom and Jack can play soccer well. 汤姆和杰克能打足球打得很好。 2)or 或者;也不(用于疑问句中或否定句中) Can you sing or dance 你会唱歌还是跳舞 My sister can't play basketball or soccer. 我姐姐不会打篮球也不会踢足球。 SportsCenter Can you sing Yes,I can. \No,I can’t. Can you dance Yes,I can. \No,I can’t. dance Can you swim Yes,I can. \No,I can’t. Can you draw Yes,I can. \No,I can’t. Can you play the guitar Yes,I can . /No,I can’t. uitar Can you play the guitar Yes,I can. l can play the guitar. No,I can’t. l can’t play the guitar. the piano the trumpet the drums the guitar the violin 弹钢琴 吹喇叭 打鼓 弹吉他 拉小提琴 football basketball volleyball chess cards 踢足球 打篮球 打排球 下棋 打牌 Phrases: play play (tell stories) tell a story kung fu do kung fu ECiPOm通 年代秀 TE CENERATION SHOW watch a show Show --Can she swim weles,she can swim well. --Can she swim --Yes,she can. Can he dance well Yes,he can dance well. Can he dance Yes,he can . She can. well she.. Can Can ... ...

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